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Обсуждение задачи 1283. Гномик

Russian text is wrong! (+)
Послано Dmitry 'Diman_YES' Kovalioff 9 авг 2004 09:53
In english version the following text can be found:
"When the amount of gold in a pot becomes less than or equal to a certain level"... I.e. Gold<=Limit

While in russian version the following:
"Когда у гномика остается меньше определенного количества золота"...I.e. Gold<Limit

The solution according to english text is correct, but according to the russian one gets WA(1).

So russian text should be changed, I think.
Re: Russian text is wrong!
Послано Vladimir Yakovlev (USU) 9 авг 2004 12:00
Russian and English texts may be different, but they mean exactly the same.
Read futher:
The second number, also an integer, is the amount of gold at which the dwarf’s life becomes senseless (measured in grams, doesn't exceed 2^31-1).

Второе число — количество золота, при котором жизнь гномика лишается смысла (целое, в граммах, не превышает 2^31-1)
That means exactly the same. Your quotations don't mean that Gold<=Limit or Gold<Limit, they mean Gold<SomeLimit (or Gold<=SomeLimit) and SomeLimit may be not Limit, second number of input

Edited by author 09.08.2004 12:01
Yes, but I don't think it is difficult to completely harmonize both texts - it'll be better, won't it? (-)
Послано Dmitry 'Diman_YES' Kovalioff 9 авг 2004 16:47