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Обсуждение задачи 1113. Джип

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i did not anderstend this problem. Help me// PLEASE\\ Виктор Крупко 26 апр 2005 00:50
It's not so hard Akshin Salimov 26 апр 2005 19:14
It's not so hard problem! This problem is classic Dynamic Programming problem, you can alg of this problem in many books(Okulov,Leyzerson,...).
DP algorithm is simple just go from the end and count with equation!
Re: It's not so hard Виктор Крупко 26 апр 2005 22:57
I do not understand a condition of a problem,
Instead of her decision!
Re: It's not so hard Nirjon 14 июл 2005 14:38
Can you explain little more plz. We donot have Okulov, Leyzerson(!). Also which Classic DP you are talking about?
Re: It's not so hard Nirjon 17 июл 2005 02:27
Can anyone explain how the output is 3837 for n=1000,m=500