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Обсуждение задачи 1395. Pascal против C++. Версия 2

Test case 34 WA
Послано Furtuna Dan Emanuel 10 авг 2006 12:37
Can someone tell me why this test is special?
If I got a TLE I would have known that my program is slow and optimised but now, I don't know what's wrong.
Strange that the same program passes the first version of the problem.
Re: Test case 34 WA
Послано Furtuna Dan Emanuel 10 авг 2006 12:53
Found the bug in my program. Sorry for the post.
Good luck solving this problem (+)
Послано Dmitry 'Diman_YES' Kovalioff 10 авг 2006 15:29
It is almost impossible to solve it on Pascal. Author's solution passes the TL, but it is incredibly optimized...
Re: Good luck solving this problem (+)
Послано Furtuna Dan Emanuel 10 авг 2006 16:22
AC at last but with a little cheat.
Congratulations, your solution is extremely fast. But we will see it and maybe add new tests (-)
Послано Dmitry 'Diman_YES' Kovalioff 10 авг 2006 16:26
Re: Congratulations, your solution is extremely fast. But we will see it and maybe add new tests (-)
Послано Furtuna Dan Emanuel 10 авг 2006 16:31
I'm sure it won't pass all the new tests after you look at it more closely. Gotta optimize some more.