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Обсуждение задачи 1546. Сортировка по-японски

It seems that the sorting rule is the same as the rule windows XP used to sort files...
Послано fOrgIvE 21 апр 2007 18:16
Re: It seems that the sorting rule is the same as the rule windows XP used to sort files...
Послано Kaliningrad SU -Dmitry-HeadLiner 21 апр 2007 18:35
What rules are used in sorting zeroes? Can anyone describe?
Re: It seems that the sorting rule is the same as the rule windows XP used to sort files...
Послано mMasters 21 апр 2007 18:37
It`s very interesting question. Why "a00"<"a0"?
Re: It seems that the sorting rule is the same as the rule windows XP used to sort files...
Послано fOrgIvE 21 апр 2007 19:01
first treat all 000000 as 0 and all 00000003 as 3
compare the whole string
if equals, treat 000000 < 000 and 00000003 < 003
compare the whole string again...
Re: It seems that the sorting rule is the same as the rule windows XP used to sort files...
Послано fOrgIvE 21 апр 2007 19:02
0000aa < 000aa < 0000ab < 000ab
Re: It seems that the sorting rule is the same as the rule windows XP used to sort files...
Послано mMasters 21 апр 2007 19:29
Our program correctly process tests like that, but we have WA2.
Yes, rules is the same (-)
Послано Vladimir Yakovlev (USU) 22 апр 2007 01:17
Re: It seems that the sorting rule is the same as the rule windows XP used to sort files...
Послано Peter Huggy (Pskov) 2 май 2007 12:27
Zeroes matters only if strings w/o them are equal.
Re: It seems that the sorting rule is the same as the rule windows XP used to sort files...
Послано Denis Koshman 14 июл 2008 20:32
Longer leading zero sequence makes numerical sequence LESS.