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Обсуждение задачи 1771. Утро депутата

Послано Al.Cash 13 апр 2010 02:07
Does the statement mean that 42 people won't come out on stop number 1?
Another clarification
Послано 2rf [Perm School #9] 13 апр 2010 19:45
What is the answer for this test:

3 3
3 1 2 -1
2 3 -1
1 3 -1
07:00 1
07:01 1

Re: Another clarification
Послано bsu.mmf.team 3 май 2010 14:02
55 55 I guess

But if so, then the problem condition is incorrect because of:

"Everybody who wants to get into a bus comes to a bus stop in advance, no later than at 06:59".

According to this test it means that all 13 people who entered the bus with Leonid had to enter the bus, which came 1 minute earlier, because they wanted to go from station #1 to the station #2.

So what should we think? Does it mean that those 13 people entered and immediately escaped from this bus, understanding this is not their bus? :)
Re: Another clarification
Послано Sergey Lazarev (MSU Tashkent) 3 май 2010 17:46
I think this test is incorrect. There can't be 42 papassengers in the bus which started its travel in 07:01. All these passengers should take previous bus.