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Discussion of Problem 1820. Ural Steaks

alextj Don't cook steaks like that! // Problem 1820. Ural Steaks 11 Feb 2015 01:34
Whoever thought of this problem haven't fried steaks in real life.

The only way to get an acceptable solution to 1820 is to cook the steaks somewhat similar to this order:
Minute 1: St1A, St2A
Minute 2: St1B, St3A
Minute 3: St2B, St3B
(where there are three steaks: St1, St2 and St3, and each having side A and side B).

The problem with this is:
After St2A side is cooked, it will be taken off the heat and cool down for one minute before cooking the other side, thus in the end the steak will be less cooked than stake 1 and 3. That's all sorts of wrong, you'll be ruining a good steak!
