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Discussion of Problem 1910. Titan Ruins: Hidden Entrance

Python 3 Wrong Answer
Posted by Dmitry 4 Oct 2015 12:05
import sys

def wall_scaner(amount, wall):
    count = 0
    high = 0
    mid_number = ''
    while count < int(amount) - 2:
        summ = 0
        unit = wall[count:count + 3]
        for i in unit:
            summ += int(i)
        if summ > high:
            high = summ
            mid_number = count + 2
        count += 1
    return high, mid_number

data1 = sys.stdin.readline()
data2 = sys.stdin.readline()
amount = ''.join(data1.split())
wall = ''.join(data2.split())
answer = wall_scaner(amount, wall)
print(answer[0], answer[1])

plz tell me what's wrong
this code always return right format and answer for me
Re: Python 3 Wrong Answer
Posted by Vigi 8 Oct 2015 15:59
ты считаешь тройки одинаковых рядом цифр, а по заданию это не нужно. Нужно найти суммарный максимум из рядом стоящих не обязательно это будут 777 может и 845

n = int(input())
sp = list(map(int, (input().split())))
ind = 0
MAX = sum(sp[:2])
for i in range(n - 2):
    if  sum(sp[i:i+3]) > MAX:
        MAX = sum(sp[i:i+3])
        ind = sp.index(sp[i]) + 2

print(MAX, ind)

Edited by author 08.10.2015 18:07