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Обсуждение задачи 1132. Квадратный корень

Why I always got time exceeded?How to improve my program?I want to know the best algorithm.
Послано Huang Yizheng 9 ноя 2001 16:17
Re: Why I always got time exceeded?How to improve my program?I want to know the best algorithm.
Послано Algorist 10 ноя 2001 10:18
I think that there is a simple formula that is going to
Does there any mathymatical formula exit?Or I have to improve my enumerating algorithm?
Послано Huang Yizheng 12 ноя 2001 05:03
> I think that there is a simple formula that is going to
> work....
Re: Why I always got time exceeded?How to improve my program?I want to know the best algorithm.
Послано XiangGuangTe 9 май 2004 14:45
I know the answer when (n mod 4)=3

The answer is +a^((n+1)/4), -a^((n+1)/4)

But I don't know the answer when (n mod 4)=1
Re: Why I always got time exceeded?How to improve my program?I want to know the best algorithm.
Послано Gheorghe Stefan 10 май 2004 16:12
an efficient algorithm for this problem requires knowing very much of number theory: Legendre Symbols and other (i've found them on the web). You could search the web for quadratic residues modulo n...
if not found, I cand send you "my" source...