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Обсуждение задачи 1069. Код Прюфера

help me please
Послано foxX 12 апр 2003 19:30
i just can't understand what does this problem want from me.
1. what is the number of a vertex? (is it by any chance the cost of the way connecting its two extremes?)
2. what is the rule by which different lines in the graph are assigned costs?
in the example:
  /  4   6
    /    3   5

what are the costs of

thank you
Re: help me please
Послано TheBlaNK 13 апр 2003 00:40
the problem is
u are given a prufer code
and u must output what graph that give this code

ie in the sample input


to construct the prufer code is look all leaf and find the smallest
then next code=the number of vertex that connect it

we find that
leaf = 4 3 5 ( 3 is the smallest then write 2 down )

then the graph will be

code = 2

leaf = 4 5 ( 4 is the smallest the write 1 down )

then the graph will be

code = 2 1

leaf= 1 5 ( 1 is the smallest then write 6 down )

code= 2 1 6

and so on..
thank you very much, i've got AC :) ~nt~
Послано foxX 13 апр 2003 23:14
> the problem is
> u are given a prufer code
> and u must output what graph that give this code
> ie in the sample input
> 4-1-6-2-5
>          |
>          3
> to construct the prufer code is look all leaf and find the smallest
> then next code=the number of vertex that connect it
> we find that
> leaf = 4 3 5 ( 3 is the smallest then write 2 down )
> then the graph will be
> 4-1-6-2-5
> code = 2
> leaf = 4 5 ( 4 is the smallest the write 1 down )
> then the graph will be
> 1-6-2-5
> code = 2 1
> leaf= 1 5 ( 1 is the smallest then write 6 down )
> graph
> 6-2-5
> code= 2 1 6
> and so on..
Re: thank you very much, i've got AC :) ~nt~
Послано TheBlaNK 14 апр 2003 00:07
wow that's sound great : )

but mine's still got TL - -'
i don't know why(i already use heap)

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#define MAX 30000
#define CON 2000000000
struct node { long info; struct node *next; };
typedef struct node *nodeptr;
long arr[MAX*2],num[MAX],deg[MAX],n;
long nheap;
FILE *fp,*fx;
nodeptr res[MAX];
void input(void)
 long tmp;
nodeptr getnode(long i,nodeptr next)
 nodeptr p;
  p=(nodeptr)malloc(sizeof(struct node));
  p->next=next; p->info=i;
 return p;
void add(long a,long b)
 nodeptr p,q;
 if( res[a]==NULL||b<res[a]->info)
  { res[a]=getnode(b,res[a]); return; }
 for(p=q=res[a];p!=NULL&&b>p->info;p=p->next) q=p;
 p=getnode(b,p); q->next=p;
void del(void)
 long pos,tmp,nextpos;
   if(arr[pos*2]<arr[pos*2+1]) nextpos=pos*2;
   else nextpos=pos*2+1;
     { arr[pos]=arr[nextpos]; pos=nextpos; }
   else break;
void insert(long a)
 long pos,k;
 for(k=10000;;k--) if(arr[k]==CON) break;
   if(a<arr[pos/2]) arr[pos]=arr[pos/2];
   else break;
void process(void)
 long i;
 for(i=0;i<MAX*2;i++) arr[i]=CON;
 for(i=1,nheap=0;i<=n;i++) if(!deg[i]) arr[++nheap]=i;
     add(arr[1],num[i]); add(num[i],arr[1]);
     deg[num[i]]--; if(!deg[num[i]]) insert(num[i]);
void output(void)
 long i;
 nodeptr p;
   for(p=res[i];p!=NULL;p=p->next) fprintf(fx," %ld",p->info);
int main()
  fp=stdin; fx=stdout;
// fp=fopen("1069.in","r"); fx=fopen("1069.out","w");
// fclose(fp); fclose(fx);
 return 0;
Послано foxX 17 апр 2003 03:09
i can't see why you dudes use heaps...
and i am too dumb at this time to understand your src
the algo goes like:
1: read i and inc number of apparitions of the node i;
2: last = 1;
3: for i = 1 .. n
4:   while apparitions of node[last] > 0 inc last;
   // now you have found (i, last) a valid vertex in the source tree
5:   memorize vertices (i, last) and (last, i);
6:   dec apparitions[i];
7:   dec apparitions[last];   // it gets -1 which is different of 0 :)
8:   if apparitions[i] = 0 and i < last
9:       last = i;

in 5 i simply push the 2 pairs in one stack and in final i take from each of n stacks the values and brutely qsort() on em.
got .3secs @ 600 kBs
thanx, i found the algo now :)
Послано ahyangyi_newid 23 апр 2004 06:54
wait, I think i'v 2 us heap, maybe i went wrong?
Послано ahyangyi_newid 23 апр 2004 06:56
In the worst case Your's will be O(n^2) & get TL
Послано ahyangyi_newid 23 апр 2004 06:58
hehe, 0.078sec without heap.
Послано ahyangyi_newid 23 апр 2004 07:12
I see. Such as Qsort is O(n^2) in the worst case, you algo is also fast for average cases...