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Обсуждение задачи 1222. Chernobyl’ Eagles

How to output extended?Snetch1222. Chernobyl’ Eagles22 дек 2007 06:423  
Troubles with itoa<-UnderFelixAbove->1222. Chernobyl’ Eagles26 авг 2007 03:170  
WA#1 and Crash(access violation)#1JTim1222. Chernobyl’ Eagles13 июл 2007 01:211  
WA!!! Help me! What is WRONG????Michael Medvedev (KNU training center)1222. Chernobyl’ Eagles30 апр 2007 22:243  
I can't understand this problem [Help me please.....]No name1222. Chernobyl’ Eagles4 янв 2007 22:401  
EKomendantian Grant Mikaelovich SSAU1222. Chernobyl’ Eagles3 дек 2006 00:431  
I think O/p for 7 is 12 n wot u do????Archit1222. Chernobyl’ Eagles8 июл 2006 15:223  
wot shud b the OUT PUT for 7Archit1222. Chernobyl’ Eagles2 июл 2006 12:450  
HELLO WOTS THE COMPILATION ERROR IN IT??????? C++ (Prob. No.1222)Archit1222. Chernobyl’ Eagles2 июл 2006 00:441  
Why? Wrong answer test(8) famas1222. Chernobyl’ Eagles9 апр 2005 16:271  
Stop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Sergiu Repede1222. Chernobyl’ Eagles8 сен 2004 00:580  
Why I got WA? Here is my program.Reinforcement1222. Chernobyl’ Eagles22 июн 2003 11:470  
Why WA ??!?!!! help me please...uuuuuuu1222. Chernobyl’ Eagles3 апр 2003 02:443  
ewratrax211222. Chernobyl’ Eagles14 мар 2003 14:520  
ewratrax211222. Chernobyl’ Eagles14 мар 2003 14:520  
where is wrong!girl1222. Chernobyl’ Eagles20 ноя 2002 14:022  
faint! I don't think there is anything wrong in my code. WHY I GOT WA???Hardier1222. Chernobyl’ Eagles20 ноя 2002 13:541  
Adminse. Why my program is vrang. All seid that it is corect please help meI am david. Tabo.1222. Chernobyl’ Eagles30 окт 2002 18:270  
Whi wrongI am david. Tabo.1222. Chernobyl’ Eagles29 окт 2002 11:440  
girl1222. Chernobyl’ Eagles29 окт 2002 11:000  

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