Timus Online Judge Team Pavel Atnashev
In the Team: 2000-2004
Site creator, software development, system administration, management, problem author since 2001
Email: atn timus.ru
|  Magaz Asanov
Ural ICPC-community founder, contests organizer, problem author since 1997
|  Marat Bakirov
In the Team: 2001-2002
Software development, management
|  Stanislav Vasilyev
Contests organizer, problem author in 1999-2012
|  Alexander Halperin
In the Team: 2001-2006
Problem statements translation, online contest management
|  Leonid Volkov
Contests organizer, problem author in 2000-2004
|  Alexander Klepinin
In the Team: since 2004
System administration, contests organizer, problem author in 2000-2006
|  Den Raskovalov
Contests organizer, problem author in 2003-2007
|  Vladimir Yakovlev
In the Team: since 2004
Software development, site management, contests organizer, problem author since 2004
|  Pavel Egorov
Contests organizer, problem author in 2003-2005
|  Alexander Ipatov
In the Team: since 2006
Problem archive and online contests manager, contests organizer, problem author since 2003
|  Sergey Pupyrev
Problem author in 2005-2013
|  Ekaterina Vasilyeva
In the Team: 2006-2013
Problem statements translation
|  Alexey Samsonov
Contests organizer, problem author in 2005-2014
|  Egor Shchelkonogov
In the Team: since 2013
Software development, site management, problem author since 2010
|  Mikhail Rubinchik
Contests organizer, problem author, teams coach in 2009-2021