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Much easier with Python | Keworker `~ | 1101. Robot in the Field | 24 Jul 2024 09:58 | 2 |
U can use Python `eval(expression, variablesDict)` syntax and get easy AC. If you don't want use this feature, just turn expression into binary tree and calculations will be easy. |
easy bfs | 👑TIMOFEY👑`~ | 1101. Robot in the Field | 20 Nov 2023 14:42 | 2 |
Who can give me test #5 ??? | Truong Thanh Tung | 1101. Robot in the Field | 12 Apr 2023 21:26 | 4 |
Hint | PrankMaN | 1101. Robot in the Field | 3 Jun 2020 22:55 | 1 |
Hint PrankMaN 3 Jun 2020 22:55 Solve with Python and use eval() to calculate boolean expression |
AC | qwertyqwe | 1101. Robot in the Field | 6 Sep 2019 23:30 | 1 |
AC qwertyqwe 6 Sep 2019 23:30 Please, could you send your problem(AC code) |
What is a correct boolean expression? | LX&R Bacherikov | 1101. Robot in the Field | 19 Mar 2019 03:46 | 2 |
Here is the right description: 1) A, ..., Z, TRUE, FALSE - are correct boolean expressions; 2) if x and y are correct boolean expressions, then the correct boolean expressions are also: (x); NOT x; x AND y; x OR y (maybe, with some extra spaces). Edited by author 19.09.2007 23:19 It's not completely true, some spaces also may be missed as in example. |
HELP!! I GOT WA 6 | Napoloen-Ding | 1101. Robot in the Field | 10 May 2018 00:20 | 3 |
WHO CAN GIVE ME A TEST.... THANK YOU VERY MUCH Same problem here. Could anyone help me? Please ;) I had WA 6, but got AC after I realized my OR/AND precedence order was wrong. |
Why Wa3 | yuzeming | 1101. Robot in the Field | 28 Jan 2016 05:30 | 2 |
For me, this was reading outside the field (likely at N = 100). |
RUN TIME ERROR | hariharasathyanarayanan | 1101. Robot in the Field | 21 Dec 2015 22:09 | 2 |
Hello all :) I'm new to timus online judge.. My program work well in my system but when I submit it displays a RUN TIME ERROR i'm totally confused please help me :( :( here is my program import java.util.*; import*; import java.util.regex.*; public class RobotInTheField { public static void main(String args[]) throws IOException { String data = ""; Field field; int N,M,K; Scanner sc = new Scanner(; boolean registers[] = new boolean[26]; Robot robot; Pattern p; Matcher m; BufferedReader br; ExpressionEvaluation expressionevaluation=new ExpressionEvaluation(); br=new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
data = br.readLine(); // reading problem inputs
N = sc.nextInt(); M = sc.nextInt(); K = sc.nextInt();
field = new Field(N);
for(int i=0;i<M;i++) { // setting forks at the specified x and y location int x = sc.nextInt(); int y = sc.nextInt(); field.set(x,y,'f'); } //for loop ends
for(int i=0;i<K;i++) { String d = br.readLine(); /* Removing white spaces */ String split[] = d.split(" "); int x; String dummy =""; if(split[0].charAt(0) == '-'){
for(int j=1;j<split[0].length();j++) { dummy += split[0].charAt(j);
} x = Integer.parseInt(dummy); x = x*-1; } else { x = Integer.parseInt(split[0]); } dummy = ""; int y; if(split[1].charAt(0) == '-'){
for(int j=1;i<split[1].length();j++) { dummy += split[1].charAt(j);
} y = Integer.parseInt(dummy); y = x*-1; } else { y = Integer.parseInt(split[1]); }
char register = split[2].charAt(0); //System.out.println("x:"+x+",y:"+y+",ch:"+register); field.set(x,y,register); } //for loop ends
p = Pattern.compile("TRUE"); m = p.matcher(data); data = m.replaceAll("t"); p = Pattern.compile("FALSE"); m = p.matcher(data); data = m.replaceAll("f"); p = Pattern.compile("NOT"); m = p.matcher(data); data = m.replaceAll("!"); p = Pattern.compile("AND"); m = p.matcher(data); data = m.replaceAll("&"); p = Pattern.compile("OR"); m = p.matcher(data); data = m.replaceAll("|"); p = Pattern.compile(" "); m = p.matcher(data); data = m.replaceAll("");
robot=new Robot(); robot.direction="right"; while(robot.xpos >= (-1*N) && robot.xpos <= N && robot.ypos >= (-1*N) &&robot.ypos <= N) { System.out.println(robot.xpos+" "+robot.ypos);
// If robot found the fork it needs to change its direction if(field.get(robot.xpos,robot.ypos)=='f'){ // System.out.println("WARNING:ROBOT HITS THE FORK"); // robot first evaluate its expression String e = expressionevaluation.postfixConversion(data);
if(expressionevaluation.postfixevaluation(e,registers)) { if(robot.direction.equals("right")) robot.direction="down"; else if(robot.direction.equals("left")) robot.direction="up"; else if(robot.direction.equals("up")) robot.direction="right"; else if(robot.direction.equals("down")) robot.direction="left"; } else { if(robot.direction.equals("right")) robot.direction="up"; else if(robot.direction.equals("left")) robot.direction="down"; else if(robot.direction.equals("up")) robot.direction="left"; else if(robot.direction.equals("down")) robot.direction="right";
} }
else if(field.get(robot.xpos,robot.ypos) == '-') { //do nothing just move } else { char invertregister=field.get(robot.xpos,robot.ypos); if(registers[invertregister-'A']) registers[invertregister-'A']=false; else registers[invertregister-'A']=true;
if(robot.direction.equals("right")) robot.moveright();
else if(robot.direction.equals("left")) robot.moveleft(); else if(robot.direction.equals("up")) robot.moveup(); else if(robot.direction.equals("down")) robot.movedown();
} // System.out.println("WARNING : ROBOT ESCAPES"); // System.out.println("ROBOT POSITION "+robot.xpos+","+robot.ypos); }//main method ends here } //testexpr class ends here class ExpressionEvaluation { // Expression evaluation methods String postfixConversion(String expr) { // converting infix expression to postfix expression String postfixstring = ""; StackDataStructure stackobj=new StackDataStructure(expr.length()); boolean infinite = true;
for(int i=0;i<expr.length();i++) { // visiting each character in the string infinite = true;
switch(expr.charAt(i)) {
case '!' : stackobj.push('!'); // '!' is encountered just push them into the stack break;
case '&' : while(infinite) { // '&' is encountered just push them into the stack if( == 0 || stackobj.stack[] != '!') { stackobj.push('&'); infinite = false; } else postfixstring += stackobj.pop() + ""; } break;
case '(' : stackobj.push('('); // '(' is encounterd them into stack break;
case '|' : while(infinite) { // '|' is encountered if( == 0 || ((stackobj.stack[] != '&') && stackobj.stack[] != '!')) { stackobj.push('|'); infinite = false; } else postfixstring += stackobj.pop() + ""; } break;
case ')' : while(infinite && != 0) { // ')' is encountered pop elements until left parenthesis is encountered char ch=stackobj.pop();
if(ch == '(') infinite = false; else postfixstring += ch + "";
} break;
default : postfixstring += expr.charAt(i) + ""; // operands encountered }// switch case end }// for loop end
while( != 0) // pop remaining all elements from the stack postfixstring += stackobj.pop() + "";
return postfixstring; }// postfixexpression method ends
boolean postfixevaluation(String expr,boolean reg[]) { // postfix expression evaluation char e[] = expr.toCharArray(); // converting string into char array it makes easy to compute
for(int i=0;i<e.length;i++) { if(e[i]=='!') { // if NOT OPERATOR found for(int j=i-1;j>=0;j--) { if(e[j]=='t'||e[j]=='f') { if(e[j]=='t') e[i]='f'; else e[i]='t'; e[j]='*'; //we use that operand so we put there '*' to indicate there is no operand break; //NOT OPERATOR found its operand and operate on it so no need to search operand just breaking out } //end inner if } // end for loop } //end outer if
else if(e[i]=='&') { // if AND OPERATOR found int count = 0; // just counting operands int op[] = new int[2]; // just use to store its operands location for(int j=i-1;count<2&&j>=0;j--) { // searching two operands if two operands found the search stops if(e[j]=='t'||e[j]=='f') { //if operands are found op[count++]=j; } } if(e[op[0]]=='t'&&e[op[1]]=='t') // AND OPERATION done here e[i] = 't'; else e[i] = 'f';
e[op[0]]='*'; e[op[1]]='*'; }
else if(e[i] == '|') { // if OR OPERATOR found int count=0; int op[]=new int[2];
for(int j=i-1;count<2&&j>=0;j--) { // searching for two operands if(e[j]=='t'||e[j]=='f') { op[count++]=j; } } if(e[op[0]]=='t'||e[op[1]]=='t') // OR OPERATION done here e[i]='t'; else e[i]='f';
e[op[0]]='*'; e[op[1]]='*'; }
else { if(Character.isUpperCase(e[i])) if(reg[e[i]-'A']) { e[i]='t'; } else { e[i]='f'; } }
} // for loop ends here
if(e[e.length-1] == 't') // return boolean postfix expression evaluation return true; else return false; }//postfixevaluation method ends }//expressionevaluation class ends /* Implementing stack data structure */ class StackDataStructure { char stack[]; // stack data structure representation using arrays int top; // represent top element of the stack
StackDataStructure(int len) { // initializing stack array stack = new char[len]; }
void push(char data) { // insert element into the stack if(top == stack.length) { System.out.println("Stack overflow"); System.exit(-1); } else { stack[top++] = data; } } char pop() { // retrieving and removing stack top element from the stack if(top == 0) { System.out.println("Stack underflow"); System.exit(-1); } return stack[--top]; } void print() { // printing stack elements System.out.println("Stack elements :"); for(int i = 0; i < top; i++ ) { System.out.println(stack[i]); } } }
/* Field class represents the farm field where the robot works */ class Field { char field[][]; // representing field in two dimension int N;
Field(int n) { N = n; field = new char[N*2+1][N*2+1]; // initializing field for(int i=0;i<N*2+1;i++) { // fill empty items in the field for(int j=0;j<n*2+1;j++) { field[i][j]='-'; } } }
void print() { // printing the entire field view for(int i=0;i<N*2+1;i++) { for(int j=0;j<N*2+1;j++) { System.out.print(field[i][j]); } System.out.println(); } }
void set(int x,int y,char ch) { // set item in the field at the given x,y position field[x+N][y+N]=ch; // System.out.println("x:"+x+"y:"+y); }
char get(int x,int y) { // get item from the field by specifying x,y position return field[x+N][y+N]; }
void printdebug() { for(int i=0;i<N*2+1;i++){ for(int j=0;j<N*2+1;j++){ System.out.print(get(j-N,i-N)); } System.out.println(); } } } class Robot { int xpos = 0; int ypos = 0; String direction = "";
void moveright() { xpos++; } void moveleft() { xpos--; } void moveup() { ypos++; } void movedown() { ypos--; } } That's, uh, quite a lot of code. Almost 4x times bigger than my solution. Well, it seems to be working alright, but it's kinda hard to track down the problem.. I suggest you to comment most of the parts, then uncomment them little by little, to notice the moment when it changes from WA #1 to runtime #1, and after detecting the block which turns it into runtime, it might be easier to say what's the matter. |
A little question(+) | Ural_Happy New Year! | 1101. Robot in the Field | 19 Dec 2015 08:46 | 3 |
what means "falls out of the field". is that means the robot need to get to the [n,n]or [-n,-n]? It just means the robot goes out of the borders, i.e, x>n or x<-n or y>n or y<-n, where x and y are coordinates of the robot. Good Luck! I'm also having this question in mind thanks for the answer :) |
Useful Test Sample | Shayan Modiri | 1101. Robot in the Field | 22 Dec 2014 11:31 | 1 |
I had a small bug in my code. I found it using my test sample. I would like to share it with you. I have used some extra white space in the boolean expression. I am not sure if it is necessary, you can remove them. Input: (NOT ( (NOT NOT TRUE ) AND A) OR (B AND C AND D)) OR E 3 10 14 -3 -3 -3 -1 -3 3 -1 1 0 -2 2 -1 2 3 3 -3 3 0 3 2 -3 -2 A -2 -3 A -2 -1 A -1 -3 D -1 -1 Z 0 -3 C 0 -1 C 1 -3 E 1 0 A 2 -3 B 2 0 A 2 1 E 3 -1 E 3 3 B 0 0 1 0 2 0 3 0 3 1 3 2 2 2 1 2 0 2 -1 2 -2 2 -3 2 Output: 0 0 1 0 2 0 3 0 3 -1 3 -2 3 -3 2 -3 1 -3 0 -3 -1 -3 -2 -3 -3 -3 -3 -2 -3 -1 -2 -1 -1 -1 0 -1 1 -1 2 -1 2 0 2 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 This is how the table looks like: (1 means there is a Fork and * means empty cell) 1 A 1 * * * 1 A * A * * * * D * Z * 1 * * C 1 C * * * * E * * A * * * B * 1 A E * 1 1 * E 1 * 1 B |
why wa text#10? Help,thanks | wjt | 1101. Robot in the Field | 4 Nov 2013 21:25 | 4 |
If you have WA14 | Birne Ageev [USU] (Psych up club) | 1101. Robot in the Field | 9 Jul 2013 02:29 | 1 |
Last symbol of first string is space. |
Some trash at the end of the files. | -XraY- | 1101. Robot in the Field | 25 Oct 2011 03:24 | 1 |
For example, the first and the third tests have some trash after them. So, my multitest falls. |
Tricky test | Ostap Korkuna (Lviv NU) | 1101. Robot in the Field | 11 Aug 2010 17:17 | 5 |
If you have WA after rejudge (or if you simply have WA and don't know why) try to test your solution with this expression: NOT NOT A GL ;-) Hey, dude, thanks. Very helpful. Should be more careful on these ones. Thanks very much!I have got Accepted after fix the bug |
WHY WA14? | LX&R Bacherikov [KNU im.T.Shevchenka] | 1101. Robot in the Field | 11 Jun 2010 11:29 | 3 |
WHY WA14? LX&R Bacherikov [KNU im.T.Shevchenka] 19 Sep 2007 00:29 My algo uses stack to calculate the expression. I'm sure that it is right, but is has WA14. What is a trick of this test? Please, help me! Re: WHY WA14? LX&R Bacherikov [KNU im.T.Shevchenka] 19 Sep 2007 23:16 I've got AC! Here is the reason of WA14: The length of the first line may be >250! I hope it will help someone. but i still get crash damn... |
Easy task | AXIS | 1101. Robot in the Field | 15 Jul 2008 02:13 | 6 |
Evaluation of this expression isn't a problem : 1) Replace all of operators into one-char operators. For example, NOT into '-', TRUE into '1', etc. It will greatly simplify coding, because of operators don't begin on char, that can be a register. 2) Recursive descent : In function we've got bounds of the expression and we'll find result of it in this bounds. Find the least priority operator first. This is an operator, that has least number of not closed brackets, and if we find operator with equal number of such brackets the least in priority of operators. Then : if not found any operator, then expression has only register or constant. Calculate it. if NOT - Result = not Evaluate(pos_of_operator, right bound), if OR or AND - Result = Evaluate(left_bound, pos_of_operator - 1) OPERATOR Evaluate(pos_of_operator + 1, right_bound) (crazy pseudocode =) ) That's all. Of course, it's a slow method, but it's very easy - without any problems, debugging or testing i've got fast AC 0.015 sec, 300kb Thank you very much! I really hate such problems, but your ideas make it much easier! Thanks! Re: Easy task GaLL [fac. of philology Tyumen SU] 21 Jan 2007 03:09 Why do you hate such a problems? There is some enchantment in parsers, imho. May be, I just don't know right way to deal with parsers... Anyway, such tasks always offer a great problem for me. Parsers is my element) If you need other technical help - i'm at your service) |
Can anybody tell me what's the test#14..? | double | 1101. Robot in the Field | 22 Jun 2008 07:30 | 2 |
I failed many times on #14.. Can anyone help me...? Thank you.. finally I got AC. It's just a small bug. |
What's on Test #14 | davidsun | 1101. Robot in the Field | 19 Oct 2007 21:02 | 1 |
I've got AC using PASCAL, but got WA using C++. I used different ways to solve this problem. It seems that the answer is always same, but I don't know why my C++ program got WA on Test #14. So, can you send me the test cases? |
Problem 1101 "Robot In The Field" has been rejudged (+) | Sandro (USU) | 1101. Robot in the Field | 23 Dec 2006 01:08 | 1 |
Tests with some new types of boolean expression were added. More than 200 authors lost AC after rejudge. Check your expression-calculation algorithms once again. |