Show all threads Hide all threads Show all messages Hide all messages | wa12 | 👑TIMOFEY👑`~ | 1165. Subnumber | 10 Jul 2024 14:09 | 1 | wa12 👑TIMOFEY👑`~ 10 Jul 2024 14:09 011 ans: 11 maybe forgot some reverse | help please | dddddd | 1165. Subnumber | 15 Nov 2009 16:47 | 1 | can anybody tell me what the #32 test is ???? i got wa on this test........thanks a lot /!!!! | Wa26 Why? I can't find any error! | caoyuan9642 | 1165. Subnumber | 1 Oct 2009 21:03 | 1 | I have check all of the datas in 'DISCUSS',every one is true But I got WA on Testdata26 Any one can tell me what 26 is? Thanks! My | AC in 240 lines | Cao Ziwen | 1165. Subnumber | 27 Apr 2009 13:38 | 4 | Oh-oh.. So frightfully :) I don't know how solve this problem fast and without tests... :( | Test 21 | Fyodor Menshikov | 1165. Subnumber | 27 Apr 2009 13:36 | 1 | Test 21 Fyodor Menshikov 27 Apr 2009 13:36 Something like 2121. It is subnumber of 1212 1213 But! It can be either 1[212 1]213 or 121[2 121]3. Correct answer is 3739 (first case), incorrect is 3741 (second case). | Some Test | TestT | 1165. Subnumber | 12 Aug 2008 22:54 | 4 | Test 1 : 101 Ans : 10 Test 2 : 123 Ans : 1 Test 3 : 7 Ans : 7 Test 4 : 91 Ans : 9 Test 5 : 9100 Ans : 189 Test 6 : 21 Ans : 15 Test 7 : 231 Ans : 260 Test 8 : 9100101 Ans : 189 Test 9 : 000612300000 Ans : 995888949 Test 10 : 78910111 Ans : 7 Test 11 : 698798898999099199299399499599699799899910001001100210031004100510061007100810091010101110 Ans : 2850 Test 12 : 0999100 Ans : 35287 Test 13 : 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111011111111 Ans : 919111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111104 Test 14 : 566666 Ans : 1887 Test 15 : 1 Ans : 1 Test 16 : 0 Ans : 11 Test 17 : 0000000 Ans : 68888891 Test 18 : 09 Ans : 171 Test 19 : 999 Ans : 2588 Test 20 : 9919 Ans : 2863 Test 21 : 0202 Ans : 6971 Test 22 : 0202020202020202020 Ans : 2313131313131 Test 23 : 00070007000700070007 Ans : 8289728972891 Test 24 : 9999999999999939999999999 Ans : 14888888888888785 Test 25 : 1 5 len=100 Ans : Test 26 : 4 len=100 Ans : Test 27 : 0 len=200 Ans : Test 28 : 0 6 len=100 Ans : Test 29 : 9 len=200 Ans : Test 30 : 9 9 len=100 Ans : Test 31 : 3 len=84 Ans : Test 32 : 7 8 len=100 Ans : Test 33 : 5 len=100 Ans : Test 34 : Ans : Test 35 : Ans : Test 36 : Ans : Test 37 : Ans : Test 38 : 13206252123724040484317964602881252884069781203380530661996711969 2 len=100 Ans : Test 39 : 2226671115560004449333778222667111556000 len=100 Ans : Test 40 : Ans : 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 19988888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888891 99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 17988888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888691 I'm very grateful, 'cuz I found what was WA13. The suspicious thing is that it was your 13th test as well :) Please sort them and remove numbering... or people might start sending tables. | You can find the tests of this problem on the ACM Ipsc site | Gheorghe Stefan | 1165. Subnumber | 2 Jun 2008 21:25 | 3 | Here are some tests: 0202, 231, 0202020202020202020... Where is it? Can you send it to me? Can you send it to me? | Who can help ma on this problem? | Accept_Man | 1165. Subnumber | 2 Jun 2008 21:19 | 14 | My program for problem 1165 got WA at test 29! I nearly can't believe it... I have checked my program for a million times through different test data, but there isn't an error I can get from that... Will any one help me by giving some SPECIAL test data? P S: All the test data on the discuss board is tested, no errors were found... Hope for reply! Thanks so much! The code is here... [no code here!] Edited by moderator 09.05.2004 00:02 I have all tests, please post your mail. Thank you very much! I can be accepted now! A very low-level error... Thanks!!!!!! Can you give me tests ? I got WA many times. My e-mail : I received the tests . Thank you very much !!! Can I have the tests two ? Thank you . I WANT! Hi, I got WA at test 26, which is 4 Len=100 Can you post me the test results Thanks, by the way, my mail is thanks again. Please send me tests too. Thanks. Please send me tests too. Thank you! i want the tests thank you very much I can't solve the problem, either! AND I want the test data, too. Please post it here: Thanks very much again for helping me! I got WA at test 9! I want tests too, thanks! | Who can tell me the way to make the solution faster? | nickolas stoudemire | 1165. Subnumber | 8 Dec 2007 18:31 | 3 | I tried to use ansistring to solve this problem. But... It seems that the program runs too slowly. Who can tell me the way to make the solution faster? Thank you very much. What is complexity of your solution? O(n^3)? | Crash | mj256 | 1165. Subnumber | 9 Aug 2007 11:21 | 1 | Crash mj256 9 Aug 2007 11:21 I think I've passed all the tests ther user TEST sent here, but I always get Crash(access violation). Could you tell me why? program p1005; type number=record n:array[1..300]of integer; nk:integer; end; var a,s,t:string; f:array[1..200]of number; ansk,i,j,st,p,long:integer; final,ans:number; d1:boolean; function combine(x,y:string):string; var i:integer; begin for i:=length(x) downto 1 do if copy(x,length(x)-i+1,i)=copy(y,1,i) then begin x:=x+copy(y,i+1,length(y)-i); exit(x); end; exit(x+y); end; function next(ts:string):string; var i:integer; begin i:=length(ts); ts[i]:=succ(ts[i]); while (ts[i]=':')and(i>0) do begin ts[i]:='0'; ts[i-1]:=succ(ts[i-1]); dec(i); end; if i=0 then begin ts:='1'+ts;ts:=copy(ts,1,length(ts)-1);end; exit(ts); end; function check(st:integer;a:string):boolean; var ts:string; watch,k,now:integer; back:boolean; begin back:=false; if st<>1 then begin ts:=copy(s,1,st-1); k:=length(ts); if (ts[1]='0')and(abs(length(ts)-length(a))<1) then exit(false); ts:=next(ts); if copy(a,1+length(a)-k,k)<>copy(ts,length(ts)-k+1,k) then exit(false); end; now:=st; ts:=a; while now+length(ts)-1-ord(back)<=length(s) do begin if copy(s,now,length(ts))<>ts then exit(false); now:=now+length(ts); ts:=next(ts); end; if now>length(s) then exit(true); if copy(s,now,length(s)-now+1)<>copy(ts,1,length(s)-now+1) then exit(false); exit(true); end; function plus(a,b:number):number; var i,j,t:integer; c:number; begin if a.nk>b.nk then j:=a.nk else j:=b.nk; t:=0;fillchar(c,sizeof(c),0); for i:=1 to j do begin c.n[i+1]:=(a.n[i]+b.n[i]+c.n[i])div 10; c.n[i]:=(c.n[i]+a.n[i]+b.n[i])mod 10; end; if c.n[j+1]<>0 then inc(j); c.nk:=j; exit(c); end; procedure makef; var temp:number; i,j:integer; begin f[1].nk:=1; f[1].n[1]:=9; for i:=2 to length(a)-1 do begin fillchar(temp,sizeof(temp),0); j:=9*i; temp.n[i]:=j;j:=i; while temp.n[j]>10 do begin temp.n[j+1]:=temp.n[j] div 10; temp.n[j]:=temp.n[j] mod 10; inc(j); end; temp.nk:=j; f[i]:=plus(f[i-1],temp); end; end; procedure makeans; var k,l,i,j:integer; temp:number; begin fillchar(ans,sizeof(ans),0); ans:=plus(ans,f[length(a)-1]); l:=length(a); {i:=ord(a[1])-49; if i<>0 then begin fillchar(temp,sizeof(temp),0); temp.n[l]:=i*l;i:=l; while temp.n[i]>=10 do begin temp.n[i+1]:=temp.n[i] div 10; temp.n[i]:=temp.n[i] mod 10; inc(i); end; temp.nk:=i; ans:=plus(ans,temp); end;} for k:=1 to l do begin i:=ord(a[k])-48;if k=1 then dec(i);if k=l then inc(i); fillchar(temp,sizeof(temp),0); temp.n[l-k+1]:=i*l;i:=l-k+1; while temp.n[i]>10 do begin temp.n[i+1]:=temp.n[i] div 10; temp.n[i]:=temp.n[i] mod 10; inc(i); end; temp.nk:=i; ans:=plus(ans,temp); end; end; function minus(a,b:number):number; var i,j:Integer; c:number; begin fillchar(c,sizeof(c),0); for i:=1 to a.nk do begin c.n[i]:=c.n[i]+a.n[i]-b.n[i]; if c.n[i]<0 then begin inc(c.n[i],10); dec(c.n[i+1]); end; end; if a.n[a.nk]=0 then c.nk:=a.nk-1 else c.nk:=a.nk; exit(c); end; procedure print; var i,j:integer; temp:number; begin i:=0; while p>0 do begin inc(i); temp.n[i]:=p mod 10; p:=p div 10; end; temp.nk:=i; ans:=minus(ans,temp); if ans.nk<final.nk then final:=ans; if ans.nk=final.nk then begin i:=ans.nk; while ans.n[i]=final.n[i] do dec(i); if ans.n[i]<final.n[i] then final:=ans; end; end; begin
final.nk:=1000; readln(s); for long:=1 to length(s) do for st:=1 to length(s)-long+1 do begin a:=(copy(s,st,long)); if (check(st,a))and(a[1]<>'0') then begin makef; makeans; p:=st+long-2; print; end; if st<>length(s)-long+1 then continue; t:=next(copy(s,1,st-1)); t:=copy(t,length(t)-st+2,st-1); a:=combine(a,t); if (check(st,a))and(a[1]<>'0') then begin makef; makeans; p:=st+length(a)-2; print; end; end; a:='1'+s; makef; makeans; p:=length(s)-1; print; for i:=final.nk downto 1 do write(final.n[i]); writeln; end. | Why WA on test #9 ? | Black^n^White | 1165. Subnumber | 8 Jan 2007 16:21 | 2 | It's so simple in C# ... But what's wrong ? using System; using System.Text; using System.IO; class Program { static void Main() { StringBuilder seq = new StringBuilder(); for (ulong i = 1; i < 100000; ++i) { seq.Append(i); } string str = seq.ToString(); string j = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine(str.IndexOf(j) + 1); } } try 999...999 (200 nines) | This problem is really difficult,in algorithm,implementation and debug.It cost me half a day to design the program and two hours debug. | Huang Yizheng | 1165. Subnumber | 25 Oct 2006 00:04 | 2 | can you post me some test results from test 26? please? | If input '000612300000', what's the output? | TestT | 1165. Subnumber | 4 Apr 2005 12:37 | 2 | 995888949 12300(0006 12300000)7 | Test 1 - Test 7 | TestT | 1165. Subnumber | 3 Apr 2005 17:32 | 1 | Test input output 1 101 10 2 123 1 3 7 7 4 91 9 5 9100 189 6 21 15 7 231 260 | Can anybody make my prog fast? | Maigo Akisame ( | 1165. Subnumber | 4 Jul 2004 04:42 | 1 | Strangely enough, it takes less than 1 sec to run the 'Complete number' part, whose time complexity appears to be O(n^2), but nearly 4 sec to run the 'No complete number' part, whose time complexity seems to be O(n). I doubt it's the function 'connect' that makes it slow. Can anyone help me? program ural1165; var a,k,s,t:string; l,i,j:byte; function max(a,b:byte):byte; begin if a>b then max:=a else max:=b; end; function min(a,b:byte):byte; begin if a<b then min:=a else min:=b; end; function minstr(a,b:string):string; var i:byte; begin if length(a)<length(b) then begin minstr:=a;exit; end else if length(a)>length(b) then begin minstr:=b;exit; end else for i:=length(a) downto 1 do if a[i]<b[i] then begin minstr:=a;exit; end else if a[i]>b[i] then begin minstr:=b;exit; end; minstr:=a; end; function serial(l:byte;c:char):string; var s:string; i:byte; begin s:=''; for i:=1 to l do s:=s+c; serial:=s; end; function reverse(a:string):string; var i:byte; s:string; begin s:=''; for i:=length(a) downto 1 do s:=s+a[i]; reverse:=s; end; function connect(a,b:string):string; var i:byte; begin i:=min(length(a),length(b))-1; while i>0 do begin if copy(a,1,i)=copy(b,length(b)-i+1,i) then begin connect:=copy(b,1,length(b)-i)+a; exit; end; dec(i); end; connect:=b+a; end; function inc1(a:string):string; var l,i:byte; begin l:=length(a); i:=1; repeat if a[i]<'9' then break; inc(i); until i>l; if i>l then inc1:=serial(l,'0')+'1' else begin inc(a[i]); while i>1 do begin dec(i); a[i]:='0'; end; inc1:=a; end; end; function dif(a,b:string):string; var l,i:byte; begin l:=length(a); while length(b)<l do b:=b+'0'; for i:=1 to l do dec(a[i],ord(b[i])-48); for i:=1 to l-1 do if a[i]<'0' then begin inc(a[i],10); dec(a[i+1]); end; while a[length(a)]='0' do delete(a,length(a),1); dif:=a; end; function product(a:string;b:byte):string; var s:string; i:byte; p:integer; begin s:='';p:=0; for i:=1 to length(a) do begin inc(p,(ord(a[i])-48)*b); s:=s+chr(48+p mod 10); p:=p div 10; end; while p>0 do begin s:=s+chr(48+p mod 10); p:=p div 10; end; product:=s; end; function position(x:string):string; var s:string; l,i:byte; begin l:=length(x); s:=inc1(product(dif(x,'1'),l)); for i:=1 to l-1 do s:=dif(s,product(serial(i-1,'0')+'9',l-i)); position:=s; end; function expand(x:string;p:byte):boolean; var t:string; q:byte; begin expand:=false;q:=p; {Expand front} t:=x; while p>0 do begin if t='1' then exit; t:=dif(t,'1'); if length(t)>p then t:=copy(t,1,p); if t<>copy(a,l-p+1,length(t)) then exit; dec(p,length(t)); end; {Expand rear} t:=x; p:=l-length(x)-q; while p>0 do begin t:=inc1(t); if length(t)>p then t:=copy(t,length(t)-p+1,p); if t<>copy(a,p-length(t)+1,length(t)) then exit; dec(p,length(t)); end; expand:=true; end; begin assign(input,'');reset(input); readln(a); l:=length(a); if a=serial(l,'0') then k:=inc1(position(a+'1')) else begin a:=reverse(a); k:=serial(255,'9'); {Complete number} for i:=l downto 1 do if a[i]>'0' then for j:=i downto 1 do if expand(copy(a,j,i-j+1),l-i) then begin str(l-i,t); k:=minstr(k,dif(position(copy(a,j,i-j+1)),reverse(t))); end; {No complete number} for i:=l-1 downto 1 do if a[i]>'0' then begin s:=copy(a,i+1,l-i); s:=inc1(s); if length(s)>l-i then delete(s,l-i+1,1); str(l-i,t); k:=minstr(k,dif(position(connect(copy(a,1,i),s)),reverse(t))); end; end; writeln(reverse(k)); end. | If input '9100', what's the output? | gc007 | 1165. Subnumber | 26 Feb 2003 17:39 | 2 | 189 Koala 26 Feb 2003 17:39 | Help on 1165 . I tested my program with all the tests from Discuss and still WA | Calin Ciutu ( | 1165. Subnumber | 11 Feb 2003 20:01 | 1 | Don't try to understand something from my code it is .....
aduna == a + b inmult == a * b inc == a + 1 comp == compare
//Don't read it! Edited by moderator 03.11.2004 17:44 Edited by moderator 03.11.2004 17:44 | Why WA? | Evgeny | 1165. Subnumber | 10 Jan 2003 09:35 | 2 | label Metka; const maxn = 220; var p,i,j,k,n,m,pos,num,d: integer; s: string; a,res,b: array[1..2*maxn] of integer; max,buf,bufer: array[1..2*maxn] of byte; fl: boolean; procedure calc; var i,j,k,n,m: integer; begin for i := maxn-20 downto 1 do begin if max[i] <> 0 then break; end; for j := 1 to i-1 do begin res[j] := 9*j; end; for j := 1 to i+10 do begin res[j+1] := res[j+1] + res[j] div 10; res[j] := res[j] mod 10; end; dec(max[i]); fillchar(a,sizeof(a),0); for j := 1 to i do begin a[j] := max[j]*i; end; for j := 1 to i+10 do begin a[j+1] := a[j+1] + a[j] div 10; a[j] := a[j] mod 10; end; for j := 1 to i+10 do begin b[j+1] := b[j+1] + (a[j] + res[j]) div 10; b[j] := b[j] + (a[j] + res[j]) mod 10; end; res := b; res[1] := res[1] +2- pos; j := 1; while res[j] >= 10 do begin res[j+1] := res[j+1] + res[j] div 10; res[j] := res[j] mod 10; inc(j); end; end; function srav: boolean; var i:integer; begin srav := false; for i := maxn downto 1 do begin if max[i] > bufer[i] then begin srav := true; exit; end; if max[i] < bufer[i] then break; end; end; function test(st,fin: integer): boolean; var i: integer; begin if st >= 1 then begin if buf[fin-st+1] = 0 then begin test := false; exit; end; end; test := true; for i := st to fin do begin if (i<1) or (i>n) then continue; if buf[fin-i+1] <> a[i] then begin test := false; exit; end; end; end; procedure incr; var p : integer; begin p := 1; inc(buf[p]); while buf[p]>=10 do begin buf[p] := buf[p] mod 10; buf[p+1] := buf[p+1] +1; inc(p); end; if p > j-i+1 then inc(d); end; procedure decr; var p,i : integer; begin p := 1; while buf[p]=0 do begin inc(p) end; dec(buf[p]); for i := p-1 downto 1 do buf[i] := 9; end; begin readln(s); fl := true; fillchar(max,sizeof(max),9); for i := 1 to length(s) do begin val(s[i],a[i],k); if a[i] <> 0 then fl := false; end; if fl then begin fillchar(max,sizeof(max),0); max[length(s)+1] := 1; goto Metka; end; n := length(s); for i := 1 to n do begin for j := i to n do begin if a[i] = 0 then break; d := 0; fillchar(buf,sizeof(buf),0); fillchar(bufer,sizeof(bufer),0); for k := j downto i do begin buf[j-k+1] := a[k]; bufer[j-k+1] := a[k]; end; p := i; fl := true; repeat p := p-j+i-1+d; decr; if not test(p,p+j-i+d) then begin fl := false; break; end; until p < 1; if fl then begin repeat p := p+j-i+1+d; incr; if not test(p,p+j-i+d) then begin fl := false; break; end; until p > n; end; if fl then begin if srav then begin max := bufer; pos := i; end; end; end; end; for i := 2 to n do begin for j := i-1 downto 1 do begin if a[i]=0 then break; d := 0; fillchar(buf,sizeof(buf),0); fillchar(bufer,sizeof(bufer),0); for k := i-1 downto j do begin buf[i-k] := a[k]; bufer[i-k] := a[k]; end; for k := n downto i do begin bufer[i-j+1+n-k] := a[k]; buf[i-j+1+n-k] := a[k]; end; p := i; fl := true; num := n-j+1; repeat p := p-num; if not test(p,p+num-1) then begin fl := false; break; end; decr; until p < 1; if fl then begin repeat p := p+num; incr; if not t | Wrong Anser: BUT I checked with the test data on this site....correct.... | Teh Ming Han | 1165. Subnumber | 22 Oct 2002 20:08 | 2 | Wrong Anser: BUT I checked with the test data on this site....correct.... take a look at my code please. thanks. is there any test case that does not work?? // USU Problem 1165 // Subnumber // Done by Teh Ming Han #include <string.h> #include <iostream.h> #include <stdlib.h> int main(){ int i,a,pos,mat=-1,ori=-1,n=0; char dat[201]={'\0'}; cin.getline(dat,200,'\n');
pos=0; int length = strlen(dat); for (i=1;true;i++){ char ne[8]={'\0'}; itoa(i,ne,10); for (a=0;a<strlen(ne);a++){ n++; if (ne[a]==dat[pos]){ if (pos==0) ori = n; pos++; }else pos=0; if (pos==length){ mat = ori; break; } } if (mat!=-1) break; } cout<<mat; return 0; } > Wrong Anser: BUT I checked with the test data on this > site....correct.... > > take a look at my code please. > thanks. is there any test case that does not work?? > here! 9100 your output is 2889 99100 your output is 188 91001 your output is 38939 > // USU Problem 1165 > // Subnumber > // Done by Teh Ming Han > > #include <string.h> > #include <iostream.h> > #include <stdlib.h> > > int main(){ > int i,a,pos,mat=-1,ori=-1,n=0; > char dat[201]={'\0'}; > cin.getline(dat,200,'\n'); > > pos=0; > int length = strlen(dat); > for (i=1;true;i++){ > char ne[8]={'\0'}; > itoa(i,ne,10); > for (a=0;a<strlen(ne);a++){ > n++; > if (ne[a]==dat[pos]){ > if (pos==0) ori = n; > pos++; > }else pos=0; > if (pos==length){ > mat = ori; > break; > } > } > if (mat!=-1) break; > } > cout<<mat; > return 0; > } | need help | daizi sheng(from USTC) | 1165. Subnumber | 16 Oct 2002 15:09 | 1 | need help daizi sheng(from USTC) 16 Oct 2002 15:09 00000->99999 have been accepted by my source (using KMP to judge it) but it is still got WR #include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> #define MAX 350 /*ёЯѕ«¶ИґъВл*/ void add(int a[],int la,int b[],int lb,int c[],int *lc){ int i; int flag = 0; /*init*/ for(i = 0;i < MAX;i++) c[i] = 0; for(i = 0;i <(la>lb?la:lb);i++){ c[i] = (flag + a[i] + b[i])%10; flag = (flag + a[i] + b[i])/10; } if(flag != 0) c[i++] = flag; (*lc) = i; } void sub(int a[],int la,int b[],int lb,int c[],int *lc){ /*make sure that a >= b make sure that la >= lb*/ int i; int flag = 0; int t; for(i = 0;i < MAX;i++) c[i] = 0; for(i = 0;i <la;i++){ t = a[i] - b[i] -flag; if(t < 0){ t += 10; flag = 1; c[i] = t; } else{ flag = 0; c[i] = t; } } (*lc) = 0; for(i = MAX-1;i >= 0;i--){ if(c[i] != 0){ (*lc) = i + 1; break; } } if((*lc) == 0) (*lc) = 1; lb -= lb; } int sub1(int digit[],int *l) { int flag = -1; int i; int t; for(i = 0;i < (*l);i++) { t = digit[i] + flag; if(t < 0) { flag = -1; t += 10; } else { digit[i] = t; break; } digit[i] = t; } if(digit[*l - 1] == 0) { (*l)--; } return 0; } int add1(int digit[],int *l) { int flag = 1; int i; int t; for(i = 0;i <= (*l);i++) { t = digit[i] + flag; if(t >= 10) { flag = 1; t -= 10; } else { digit[i] = t; break; } digit[i] = t; } if(digit[*l] != 0) { (*l)++; } return 0; } void mul(int a[],int la,int b[],int lb,int c[],int *lc){ int i,j; int flag,t; /*init*/ for(i = 0;i < MAX;i++) c[i] = 0; if(la == 1 &&a[0] == 0 || lb == 1&&b[0] == 0){ (*lc) = 1; return; } for(i = 0;i <la;i++){ flag = 0; for(j = 0;j < lb;j++){ t = c[i + j] + a[i] * b[j] + flag; c[i + j] = t%10; flag = t/10; } while(flag > 0){ t = c[i + j] + flag; c[i + j] = t%10; flag = t/10; j++; } } if(c[la+lb-1] != 0) (*lc) = la+lb; else (*lc) = la + lb -1; } void let(int a[],int *la,int b[],int lb){ int i; for(i = 0;i< MAX;i++) a[i] = b[i]; (*la) = lb; } void make(int a,int r[],int *lb){ int i; /*init*/ for(i = 0;i < MAX;i++) r[i] = 0; i = 0; while(a > 0){ r[i] = a%10; a /= 10; i++; } if(i == 0) (*lb) = 1; else (*lb) = i; } void output(int a[],int la){ int i; for(i = la -1;i >= 0;i--) printf("%d",a[i]); } int compare(int a[],int la,int b[],int lb) { int i; if(la > lb) { return 1; } if(lb > la) { return -1; } for(i = la - 1;i >= 0;i--) { if(a[i] > b[i]) { return 1; } if(a[i] < b[i]) { return -1; } } return 0; } /*ёЯѕ«¶ИґъВлЅбКш*/ #define MAXLEN 205 int checklist[MAXLEN][MAX]; int checklen[MAXLEN]; /*checklist[i] = the index of 10...0(i zeros)*/ int check_init(void) { int i; int t[MAX],lt; int a[MAX],la; int b[MAX],lb; int c[MAX],lc; int nine[MAX],lnine; make(9,nine,&lnine); make(1,checklist[0],checklen + 0); for(i = 1;i < MAXLEN;i++) { make(0,t,<); t[i - 1] = 1; lt = i;/*10 ^ (i - 1) */ mul(nine,lnine,t,lt,a,&la);/*9 * 10 ^ ( i - 1) */ make(i,b,&lb);/* i */ mul(b,lb,a,la,c,&lc);/*i * 9 * 10 ^ ( i - 1) */ add(c,lc,checklist[i - 1],checklen[i - 1], checklist[i],checklen + i);