I solved the problem the way I understood it but then when staring at the discussion page I discovered that buying the same tap twice is allowed. Nevermind :) Just a slight change in the code fixed everything. Nice problem. Edited by author 06.07.2024 19:09 These two tests helped we find my bugs. Test 2 1 3 0 2 1 2 The answer is 4. Test 3 10 20 30 1 29 3 1 2 3 2 1 2 The answer is 29. Hope it will help you too. Indeed helpful. You may buy more taps than you need. И не только мне, как показывает форум. Можно решить это с помощью алгоритма Дейкстры. Моё время на Clang C++14 равно 2.7 сек. На Visual C++2013 вообще TLE#8. Стало понятно от чего кайф Из-за того что я еле-еле успел в time limit Ожидания были, что случится memory limit с большой вероятностью, поэтому я взял сразу Visual C++ Hi. I've also got AC with O(m*2^n), but it seems that it's a bit more fast. Here's an idea. Each set of taps or a combination of sets has corresponding bit mask. We have an array int minPrice[2^N]. Obviously, index is a mask, element — min price for buying such combination of taps. Initially the only !=0 elements are those each corresponding to one of predefined M sets. Then the DP comes. We go from 0-th element to the last (11...1 target). If i-th element !=0, we process it: a) if i corresponds to one of M predefined sets, we try to OR "i" with all younger mask with !=0 price. b) if i doesn't correspond to any predefined set, thus, it's a combination of some predefined sets, then we OR this "i" with younger predefined masks ONLY (not all younger "j" !=0). However, there's still a question to those guys who got AC in less than 0.1 second. Especially to those who did it in ~200 KB. "В первой строке записано число N — количество недостающих Петрову крышек (1 ≤ N ≤ 20)." vs "В последней строке перечислен минимальный набор крышек, который Петров намерен купить в любом случае." Edited by author 26.12.2014 13:39 Taking hints from the forum I am using dynamic programming with bitmasking. But I cannot understand how to memoize the results as the number of subproblems are very large. ie. 2^n * m that is 2^20 * 120. I am getting Memory limit exceeded. Is there a better way to define the states of the dp? Yes. You have the matrix dp[120][2^20]. There is only transitions from n-th to (n+1)-th row of the matrix. So, you need to memorize only 2 rows (previous and current) instead 120. There is solution with only 2^n memory (not 2 arrays, but just one) I regard it as a graph theory problem,and solve it in O(M*2^N). But it is very slow,so I would like to hear some others' algorithm.Maybe we can make progress together. Contact me: yym2008@hotmail.com Just get only bottles he wants (ignore others). Perform mix-up by bit-wise OR (I think you did it). And use heap for Dijkstra - it works very well because |E| < |V| thanks Denis Koshman, first i Time limit exceeded in test 11, when i use your hint i AC in 0.453 s, i dont forgot your hint in all my life :D. GOOD LUCK!!! How can I regard it as a graph theory problem??? What do edges mean and what do vertex mean? Edited by author 17.05.2012 18:31 ive got the same problem my solutions (both using function w/ memoization and precomputing all the possible bitmasks before answering) pass the time limits but are 6-7 times slower :| 4 20 11 12 23 3 17 2 1 3 25 3 2 3 4 15 2 3 4 3 1 3 4 What is the answer? 32 or 35? If 32, how is it possible to do that less that O(2^(N+M))? English version says AN optimal offer. Russian says: Осталось выбрать оптимальнЫЕ предложенИЯ (plural). What to choose? use priority_queue, it eats less memory Use array, it eats less memory =))) The set of tests is not so good, because optimized backtracing can get AC in 0.015 sec and 129 Kb on Pascal. Try to add more good tests. I think there is no this test: 20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 0 20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 This simplest test will be bad for some good optimazed brute forces... Try spend little time to find some "good". PS To Vladimir Yakovlev, give me please your e-mail, I can say more about this problem but not in the forum. Thanks! My optimized Brute-Force runs 0.015 Sec , and is also VERY VERY fast against your data... Backtracking is still acceptable Some new tests were added. The problem was rejudged. About 130 solutions got WA and TL. could anyone give me some tests? Please, help to make it AC... Thanks. time 2.671 memory 2349 I am happy!!! Jooooooooouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu! I did IT!!! Whole day!!!! I'm satisfied! Hi to all from BSU! I code the offers as bitmaps and calculate the cost of every bitmap. This gives 2^N configurations. Then the algorithm is dynamic programming or minimum path in a directed acyclic graph. Please help me see where I am wrong. Here's part of my code /* variables */ int prices[maxn]; struct offer { int tapcode; short int price; } offers[maxm]; int N, M, goal; short int cost[1 << maxn]; void solve(void) { int tapcodemax = 1 << N; int i, tapcode, k, j, sol; short int ccost; /* compute initial costs based on individual prices */ for (i = 0; i < tapcodemax; i++) { tapcode = i, ccost = 0; for (j = 0; j < N; j++, tapcode /= 2) if (tapcode & 1) ccost += prices[j]; cost[i] = ccost; } /* consider special offers */ for (i = 0; i < tapcodemax; i++) for (k = 0; k < M; k++) if (cost[i | offers[k].tapcode] > cost[i] + offers[k].price) cost[i | offers[k].tapcode] = cost[i] + offers[k].price; for (sol = cost[goal], i = 0; i < tapcodemax; i++) if (((i & goal) == goal) && sol > cost[i]) sol = cost[i]; printf ("%d\n", sol); } Edited by author 30.08.2004 01:48 This part which you give is right ... maybe the inital part is wrong.. Edited by author 25.05.2004 09:09 What is that seperate in n lines and m lines ? I don't understand it. input 4 100 100 100 100 3 17 2 1 3 25 3 2 3 4 15 2 3 4 3 1 3 4 Is the answer to this data equal to 32(17+15)? or there is no answer? Yes ,I didn't understand THIS too But what could u guys got AC without sloves this question? Surely. The only restriction on shopping - needed taps should be present at the end |