Show all threads Hide all threads Show all messages Hide all messages | Overrated | Keworker `~ | 2081. Faulty dial | 18 Aug 2024 14:12 | 1 | | Little help for solve by Python (dict of numbers) | sergovoy | 2081. Faulty dial | 28 Oct 2017 12:20 | 3 | d = {'._.\n|.|\n|_|': 0, '...\n..|\n..|': 1, '._.\n._|\n|_.': 2, '._.\n._|\n._|': 3, '...\n|_|\n..|': 4, '._.\n|_.\n._|': 5, '._.\n|_.\n|_|': 6, '._.\n..|\n..|': 7, '._.\n|_|\n|_|': 8, '._.\n|_|\n._|': 9 } 7590680 - Топ среди Питона 3 по использованию памяти) | I have problems | Ivan Metelev | 2081. Faulty dial | 5 Jun 2016 23:09 | 6 | There are mistake in statement may be. Difference between ._. ._. ..| and ._| is 1 |_. |_. Difference between ._. ._. ..| and |.| is 2 (the second example, the second number) |_. |_| My program write '02:05' except '00:05' like in example and I have wrong answer. Can someone help me? Edited by author 04.06.2016 15:30 Of course only after the end of contest For this task, pay attention to last few sentences. >>Each subsequent value must be strictly less than the preceding one.<< and >>If several answers exist, output any of them. It is guaranteed that there is at least one consistent sequence.<< Thanks a lot! I forgot that 1 test can be not like in statement. And I'll fix my mistake. Edited by author 05.06.2016 15:30 Edited by author 05.06.2016 15:27 Edited by author 07.06.2016 16:45 |