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Обсуждение задачи 1438. Time Limit Exceeded

Is there any volunteers who solved the problem and strongly desire to dubug other's code (WA #4)? (-)Vedernikoff Sergey1438. Time Limit Exceeded25 дек 2008 21:153  
Test 12. Is it correct?Burunduk11438. Time Limit Exceeded24 дек 2008 22:506  
Finally AC && Slow C++ memory allocationdiver[rus]1438. Time Limit Exceeded24 авг 2008 05:471  
Can the variable hold a negative number? And other questions...penartur1438. Time Limit Exceeded19 июл 2008 22:520  
Problem 1438 "Time Limit Exceeded" updated. Important: statements have been changed (+)Vladimir Yakovlev (USU)1438. Time Limit Exceeded4 июн 2006 16:043  
Has test case 11 been corrected now? I got WA on it.Ludovic1438. Time Limit Exceeded18 май 2006 09:171  
I don't quite understand the operators 'and', 'or', 'xor', and 'not'Ludovic1438. Time Limit Exceeded17 май 2006 20:472  
Is it right inout?axas1438. Time Limit Exceeded17 мар 2006 19:450  
before and after "+ - * / % =" maybe no blanks? chenll1438. Time Limit Exceeded7 мар 2006 21:435  
Why Crash (ACCESS_VIOLATION) on test 2Tipikin Evgeniy (USU)1438. Time Limit Exceeded7 мар 2006 19:520  
WA(7) Anyone help me?chenll1438. Time Limit Exceeded6 мар 2006 19:065  
Test 11 is incorrect (+)Dmitry 'Diman_YES' Kovalioff1438. Time Limit Exceeded5 мар 2006 23:412  
is there guaranteed to have...(+)Safe Bird1438. Time Limit Exceeded27 фев 2006 16:127  
В условии задачи тест #2 неправильныйSUrSU#31438. Time Limit Exceeded26 фев 2006 11:115  

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