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Обсуждение задачи 1271. Лоцман

No subject
Послано Lightweight! Lightweight baby! 11 авг 2004 05:32

Edited by author 11.08.2004 05:43
Re: No subject
Послано LeXuS[Alex Kalugin] 11 авг 2004 17:31
You are a lol and an idiot!
You used a dirty account...
You'd better be more polite (-)
Послано Dmitry 'Diman_YES' Kovalioff 17 авг 2004 13:25
Re: You'd better be more polite (-)
Послано LeXuS[Alex Kalugin] 17 авг 2004 20:32
hm... i think you use a dirty account too...
Only for tests' researching (-)
Послано Dmitry 'Diman_YES' Kovalioff 17 авг 2004 22:16
So i did
Послано Scythe (Berinde Radu) 19 авг 2004 15:57
I started using a dirty account when i lost a lot of submits at a problem because one of the tests did not correspond with the problem statement (can't remember what problem, it was a long time ago).

I solved all the problems though. There ain't nothing dirty 'bout that :)
Re: So i did
Послано LeXuS[Alex Kalugin] 19 авг 2004 16:15
sory, maybe i wasn't polite :)
But it's realy not interesting to use a dirty account...
You can find incorrect test (using dirty account) if you don't get AC and then ask for rejudgement. If your solution is correct you will not lose submits. (-)
Послано Vlad Veselov [PMG17, Vinnitsa - KNU, Kiev] 19 авг 2004 16:15
Re: You can find incorrect test (using dirty account) if you don't get AC and then ask for rejudgement. If your solution is correct you will not lose submits. (-)
Послано KIEV_lyceum_№145 (Grinenko,Kalugin,Ryjouk) 20 авг 2004 02:38
хорошо, но если атлаживать решения под грязными именами станут все?
Кто выиграет?
Речь идет о том, что если кто-то, где-то, что - то, неправильно сделал в решении, то он получает свое - штрафные попытки, а если кто-то все сделал правильно и быстрее, то он и теряет меньше.
Кто мешает тебе(я ничего против тебя не имею :)) или кому-то еще сдать задачу сразу?!
Это неписаное правило олимпиадчиков: не отаживать решение под "грязью".
Ведь на тимусе нет или почти нет :) задач с некорректными тестами или с неправильным условием и т. п. ...
Решаете сами, дело Ваше, но иногда стоит и не забывать
про свою честь.
Re: You can find incorrect test (using dirty account) if you don't get AC and then ask for rejudgement. If your solution is correct you will not lose submits. (-)
Послано Danica Porobic 20 авг 2004 02:51
Hey, please write english. Why do you attack him when you use dirty account too?
Re: You can find incorrect test (using dirty account) if you don't get AC and then ask for rejudgement. If your solution is correct you will not lose submits. (-)
Послано LeXuS[Alex Kalugin] 20 авг 2004 04:17
hey! i am not attack him :)
Re: You can find incorrect test (using dirty account) if you don't get AC and then ask for rejudgement. If your solution is correct you will not lose submits. (-)
Послано LeXuS[Alex Kalugin] 20 авг 2004 04:20
1 account is for our schoollteam(all our teamplayers post
solutions on this login)
next account is mine :)
Do you know russian?
Re: You can find incorrect test (using dirty account) if you don't get AC and then ask for rejudgement. If your solution is correct you will not lose submits. (-)
Послано Danica Porobic 20 авг 2004 12:52
So, all of you have your own accounts, and you just send AC solution to schoolteam account... That is almost using dirty accounts....
No, I don't know russian, but since serbian is my mother language I almost understand what is written in russian.