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Discussion of Problem 1020. Rope

Why 2*Pi*R ?
Posted by Metalmax 31 Oct 2004 17:24
I solve that problem but I don't understand why I should take 2*Pi*R ?
I know that the center length of the center of the nails is:
sqrt((x2-x1)^2 + (y2-y1)^2)
but why 2*PI*R ??????

Edited by author 31.10.2004 17:26
Re: Why 2*Pi*R ?
Posted by Nguyen Duc Dung 2 Nov 2004 14:56
help me. i can't solve this problem.
Re: Why 2*Pi*R ?
Posted by Aleksandr 6 May 2006 20:20
2PiR is length of arc's
Re: Why 2*Pi*R ?
Posted by Machvi 8 Feb 2007 02:55
it has a very nice solution
Re: Why 2*Pi*R ?
Posted by svr 8 Feb 2007 10:08
You should find explanations to the formula to not
it be trick.
For example. Let us consider inner normal vector to the boundary - n , moving along boundary. It gets rotation 2*Pi after one circle. But really n rotates only on angles or on
archs and total rotation is L/R where L- total length of archs . Thus we have 2*Pi=L/R therefore L=2*Pi*R