вернуться в форумWhy I got WA#2? Program is here, I'm sure my alg is correct!!! Послано Akshin 8 апр 2005 21:38 Plz help me, or give some test. var st:array[1..1000] of integer; b,e,i,j,k,m,max,n,ist:integer; a:array[1..1000] of char; ch:char; procedure readdata; begin n:=0; while not eof do begin inc(n); read(ch); a[n]:=ch; end; end; procedure writedata; begin for i:=b to e-1 do write(a[i]); writeln(a[e]); end; procedure push(x:integer); begin st[ist]:=x; inc(ist); end; procedure pop(var x:integer); begin dec(ist); x:=st[ist]; st[ist]:=0; end; begin readdata; max:=0; ist:=1; for i:=1 to n-1 do begin j:=i; if (ist>=2) and (a[j]=a[st[ist-1]]) then begin k:=0; m:=ist-1; while (j<=n) and (m>=1) and (a[j]=a[st[m]]) do begin inc(j); dec(m); inc(k); end; k:=k*2; if k>max then begin max:=k; b:=m+1; e:=j-1; end; push(i); end else if (ist>=2) and (a[j+1]=a[st[ist-1]]) then begin inc(j); k:=0; m:=ist-1; while (j<=n) and (m>=1) and (a[j]=a[st[m]]) do begin inc(j); dec(m); inc(k); end; k:=k*2+1; if k>max then begin max:=k; b:=m+1; e:=j-1; end; push(i); end else push(i); end; writedata; end. Re: Why I got WA#2? Program is here, I'm sure my alg is correct!!! example: Input: 1 output _ Input: 22 output _ Input 111232 output 232 It is necessary to remove the most left It is 111 |