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Discussion of Problem 1367. Top Secret

Very easy problem. Why so few people got ac?
Posted by ahyangyi_newid 8 May 2006 09:11
Re: Very easy problem. Why so few people got ac?
Posted by lj_860603 8 May 2006 16:57
I am so sorry that I don't know what is ac?This is my first time to come here.Please tell me.Thank you!
Re: Very easy problem. Why so few people got ac?
Posted by DHSP Group 8 May 2006 17:04
AC  == accepted
TLE == time limit exceeded
MLE == memory limit exceeded
CE  == compilation error
WA  == wrong answer
That's what I knew ^^.

Edited by author 08.05.2006 17:07
Re: Very easy problem. Why so few people got ac?
Posted by ~'Yamca`~ 12 Aug 2024 21:27
realy overrated
Re: Very easy problem. Why so few people got ac?
Posted by FaNato4kA_TiMoFeYa 14 Aug 2024 20:17