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Discussion of Problem 1215. Exactness of Projectile Hit

How to output double diameter and what's wrong with 4(+)
Posted by SPIRiT 1 Sep 2006 16:22
I have 3 questions:
1) What does it mean "inside the polygon". If the target point lies on one of the edges is it inside the polygon.
2) I just found the distances from each edge to the target point and chose the minimal one. If the the target was inside the polygon, I output 0.000. Is that correct
3) I find the minimal distance, after that I multiply it on 2. How to output: should I use any round functions. I just used fprintf(stdout,"%.3f",res), where res is the diameter found and got WA at 4. If I tried to round it up to the third digit, I had WA at 2. What's the correct approach?