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Discussion of Problem 1223. Chernobyl’ Eagle on a Roof

Posted by PSV 26 Oct 2006 03:41
.   max = 1010;
.   oo = 3000;
.   n, k, i, j, maxn, maxk, top : word;
.   a : array [0..max, 0..max] of word;
.   sk, sn : array [1..max] of word;
.procedure f(n, k : word);
.   i : word;
.   if a[n, k] <> 0 then exit;
.   a[n, k] := oo;
.   for i := 1 to n do begin
.      if a[i - 1, k - 1] = 0 then f(i - 1, k - 1);
.      if a[n - i, k] = 0 then f(n - i, k);
.      if a[i - 1, k - 1] > a[n - i, k] then begin
.         if a[n, k] > a[i - 1, k - 1] then a[n, k] := a[i - 1, k - 1];
.      end else begin
.         if a[n, k] > a[n - i, k] then a[n, k] := a[n - i, k];
.      end;
.   end;
.   inc(a[n, k]);
.   read(k);
.   if k <> 0 then readln(n);
.   top := 0;
.   while k <> 0 do begin
.      inc(top);
.      sk[top] := k;
.      sn[top] := n;
.      if k > maxk then maxk := k;
.      if n > maxn then maxn := n;
.      read(k);
.      if k <> 0 then readln(n);
.   end;
.    for i := 1 to maxn do a[i, 1] := i;
.    for i := 1 to maxk do a[1, i] := 1;
.    for i := 1 to top do begin
.      f(sn[i], sk[i]);
.      writeln(a[sn[i], sk[i]]);
.   end;

I use recursive DP. And I think it's right. Why fuckin TLE?
I also tried not recursive... Both have TLE

Edited by author 26.10.2006 03:43