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Обсуждение задачи 1400. Сотовые символы

the statement of the problem is not full, help please
Послано Alias (Alexander Prudaev) 12 дек 2006 20:40
example N = 11, M = 3;


the cell "3" can reach from the cell "9",
pushing an arrow key only once?
I mean "arrow down"?
Re: the statement of the problem is not full, help please
Послано AlexF [USTU] 12 дек 2006 23:38
No! You can't reach "3" from "9" pushing only one key.
Re: the statement of the problem is not full, help please
Послано Alias (Alexander Prudaev) 13 дек 2006 22:24
Why not?
Re: the statement of the problem is not full, help please
Послано AlexF [USTU] 16 дек 2006 01:19
Because, there is nothing about this kind of actions in the task! From the key "9" you can only reach "1", "8", "6".
Re: the statement of the problem is not full, help please
Послано Alias (Alexander Prudaev) 17 дек 2006 16:22
there is not such words in statement.
statement of the problem is not full.
Re: the statement of the problem is not full, help please
Послано AlexF [USTU] 17 дек 2006 18:44
There are discribed all avaliable actions in statement and nothing more. So I can't agree with you))
Re: the statement of the problem is not full, help please
Послано AlMag 27 апр 2007 12:55
You said that we can reach "1" from "9". How? If we push
"Right" we'll reach "a", I think...
Re: the statement of the problem is not full, help please
Послано AlexF [USTU] 29 апр 2007 19:31
Push "Left" and you'll reach "9" from "1"))
Re: the statement of the problem is not full, help please
Послано AlMag 30 апр 2007 22:06
No, sorry, my mistake... "9" from "3"!
You said that we can reach "9" from "3".
I just pushed wrong digit...
Re: the statement of the problem is not full, help please
Послано AlexF [USTU] 30 апр 2007 22:30
I didn't say it. You can reach "3" from "9" by pushing 2 keys!)

Edited by author 30.04.2007 22:31
Re: the statement of the problem is not full, help please
Послано AlMag 1 май 2007 00:08
1. You said
Because, there is nothing about this kind of actions in the task! From the key "9" you can only reach "1", "8", "6".

So, how we can reach "1" from "9"?

2.Later you said
"Push "Left" and you'll reach "9" from "1"))"
We'll reach "b" by pushing Left.

Edited by author 01.05.2007 00:11
Re: the statement of the problem is not full, help please
Послано AlexF [USTU] 1 май 2007 00:28
Oh! I got it!)) I meant the field
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
So you are right!) Sorry!)
Re: the statement of the problem is not full, help please
Послано Denis Koshman 2 авг 2008 13:05
It's not clear from problem statement because meaning of "moving cursor up" and "moving cursor down" depends on topology. We'd assume default flat topology with boundaries, but special rules for LEFT/RIGHT makes us thinking that there are similar rules for UP/DOWN. At least moving down from row Y-1 to empty cell in row Y could result in stop at the last character.

Edited by author 02.08.2008 13:07
Re: the statement of the problem is not full, help please
Послано alp 19 июн 2011 02:00
Alias (Alexander Prudaev) писал(a) 12 декабря 2006 20:40
example N = 11, M = 3;

Mean = 1.55
2 1 2
1 0 1
2 1 2
3 2