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Discussion of Problem 1100. Final Standings

How is it possible to read data so fast?
Posted by Lomir 6 Jan 2007 09:46
1    1200747    19:47:15
26 май 2006    Гладких Максим    C    0.078    1 322 КБ

First i used stl vectors ant cin cout, and got 0.47sec.
Then i rewrite it using scanf() printf() and only one matrix. Got AC only in 0.218...
How to read ant write everything in less then 0.1sec!?
Re: How is it possible to read data so fast?
Posted by KIRILL(ArcSTU) 6 Jan 2007 14:08
Your algo may be improved
I got AC on Pascal in 0.187 with standart input (O(n) solution)
Re: How is it possible to read data so fast?
Posted by Lomir 6 Jan 2007 15:55
There is better algo then O(n)!?
I've just read data in matrix and print it back.
Re: How is it possible to read data so fast?
Posted by KIRILL(ArcSTU) 6 Jan 2007 16:47
It's strange
I don't think that standart i/o in C++ is longer than in Pascal
I use simple linear sort (O(n+m)).
1 cycle for input
1 cycle for finding places O(n)
1 cycle for output
Re: How is it possible to read data so fast?
Posted by Lomir 6 Jan 2007 17:24
I have 2 cicles:
one for input and plasing the ID to the apopreate location,
second for printing...
C++ i/o is very slow 0.45+sec. So i used C scanf() and pritnf(), and got only 0.234...

int main()
scanf("%d", &n);
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)
scanf("%d %d", &ID, &m);
data[m][data[m][0]] = ID;
for (i = 100; i >= 0; --i)
for (j = 1; j <= data[i][0]; ++j)
printf("%d %d\n", data[i][j], i);
return 0;
Re: How is it possible to read data so fast?
Posted by KIRILL(ArcSTU) 6 Jan 2007 19:08
I don't know C++, but it seems that you are using dynamic
2-dimensional array. May be it's the reason
My solution uses 3 static arrays [1..150000]
If you want I will send my solution
I've got AC in 0.14 reading input char by char