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Обсуждение задачи 1408. Умножение многочленов

Not trust!
Послано svr 13 янв 2007 11:33
I do not trust that this problem can be solved during contest!
Because it demand big amount of tehnical work such
as grammar analysis, string manipulations and sorting.
Re: Not trust!
Послано Cybernetics Team 13 янв 2007 17:44
you're kidding right?
I think it can be done in less than an hour, it's no big deal the parsing and string manipulation.
Re: Not trust!
Послано AlMag 24 апр 2007 23:29
Did you have some tests that failed you program?
I think mine is ok, but WA9! A lot of time
wasted to find a mistake... With no result. Maybe some tricky tests?...

Edited by author 24.04.2007 23:29
Re: Not trust!
Послано ASK 24 окт 2010 14:44
Sure, for a competent programmer it is possible to hack it in an hour, but since it is for a school contest, I do not expect many teams to be able to solve it.

Moderators, do we have the statistics the real contest it was taken from?