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Discussion of Problem 1083. Factorials!!!

The problem description is not clear
Posted by Zhihua Lai 26 Jan 2007 20:43
It doesn't say should not multiply a number smaller than zero.
Re: The problem description is not clear
Posted by Entheogen 14 Nov 2007 07:09
I agree.  Also what about 4!!!! = 4 ?

I dont understand why that is.  Shouldn't it be 4(4-1*4) = 0

and the last number in sequence (n%k) is apperently not a multiplier?
Re: The problem description is not clear
Posted by Sandro (USU) 14 Nov 2007 11:25
We want to calculate 4!!!! n=4, k=4. Second case in definition: n!!…!=n(n-k)(n-2k)…k, if k divides n. So 4!!!! = 4.

For example, 6!=6*5*4*3*2*1, 6!!=6*4*2, 6!!!=6*3, 6!!!!=6*2, 6!!!!!=6*1, 6!!!!!!=6.