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Discussion of Problem 1011. Conductors

I would like to ask what's the problem?
Posted by Laji 9 May 2007 12:27
I am using Pascal and this is my last submitted program

[code deleted]

I am WONDERING what's wrong with it and I have gone MAD because I have submitted for tens of times........
When I use Longint to solve it I've got an "Time limit exceed" and when I use Extended to calculate it said "wrong answer" on test#1..I don't know why ?~!

Edited by moderator 09.05.2007 16:04
Re: I would like to ask what's the problem?
Posted by AlMag 9 May 2007 13:42
Try to use longint without any extended.
I mean, read extended, transform it to longint (but carefully) and run.
Re: I would like to ask what's the problem?
Posted by Laji 10 May 2007 10:43
yes I have tried but failed
and I also tried round() and trunc() and I got the same answer!
Re: I would like to ask what's the problem?
Posted by Laji 10 May 2007 11:03
I am bored........
Anyone would help me? I will send him my source code.I am not sure whether I have missed something important. But I noticed that long ago that the maxium result should be 5001.Am I wrong?
Re: I would like to ask what's the problem?
Posted by Laji 10 May 2007 11:42
Now ....
I want to argue for my program.
When I copy a 'AC' script from one of the post above, yes, sure enough it got an 'AC' but the program is rather SLOW.

I tested some datas, which were like 0.01and0.02,0.02and0.03,.....until 99.98and99.99, but the result of MY program had NO DIFFERENCES from the AC's.

Re: I would like to ask what's the problem?
Posted by Laji 10 May 2007 11:45
Am I missed some IMPORTANT extreme situation? Help me, please.