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Обсуждение задачи 1578. Охота на мамонта

Послано Korduban [Kiev] 13 окт 2007 15:00
Angles must be strogly acute? I.e., right angles (pi/2) are restricted?
Re: clarification
Послано Vedernikoff Sergey 14 окт 2007 16:25
See first sample.
There is no right angle in the answer for the first sample, so it tells nothing... (-)
Послано Ostap Korkuna (Lviv NU) 20 окт 2007 16:36
Re: There is no right angle in the answer for the first sample, so it tells nothing... (-)
Послано Vedernikoff Sergey 28 окт 2007 19:58
It is now absent, but before the sample was corrected there was right angle...
Re: There is no right angle in the answer for the first sample, so it tells nothing... (-)
Послано Denis Koshman 12 авг 2008 11:28
My AC solution rejects right angles
Re: There is no right angle in the answer for the first sample, so it tells nothing... (-)
Послано -XraY- 11 окт 2012 16:10
I got AC when I deleted right angles. I had WA before that.