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Обсуждение задачи 1002. Телефонные номера

Do you know a faster algorithm?
Послано Artur Mazgarov 25 янв 2008 18:42
If I try to check every way of placing words, I get 'Time limit exceeded' on test 5, and if I just first sort the words by lengths, and then try to find the first way of placing words and give it as answer, I get 'Wrong answer' on test 3. Could you please help me?
Re: Do you know a faster algorithm?
Послано Aram Shatakhtsyan 26 янв 2008 13:34
Dynamic programming
Re: Do you know a faster algorithm?
Послано omsu_lime 10 апр 2008 10:55
Try to create determinated finite automaton in graph realization. Use binary search to find the words in dictionary.
Re: Do you know a faster algorithm?
Послано CP GS 23 сен 2008 00:58
The Aho-Corasick algorithm will do it with linear time.
Re: Do you know a faster algorithm?
Послано Artur Mazgarov 5 дек 2008 19:33
Thank you. I'll try :)
Re: Do you know a faster algorithm?
Послано yzthz 15 мар 2009 20:57
Unfortunately, I got TLE on the 8th input even if I implemented DP.

Oh I know the reason. When two or more strings map to one series of number, since any solutions are qualified, it is possible to choose only one. Also, a compartmentalization to which position(0-s.length()) the string can fit in is recommended.

Edited by author 16.03.2009 10:20
Re: Do you know a faster algorithm?
Послано Prabhjot Singh 21 сен 2009 12:51
can you please give me one test case where you sort the words by length and you get wrong answer? (i used similar technique and got wrong ans for test 3 as well)