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Discussion of Problem 1226. esreveR redrO

Weak tests or checker
Posted by Fyodor Menshikov 23 Dec 2008 18:49
The problem statement says that a word may be followed by the end of file. So it is possible that the last line of a test is not followed by "end of line" character (or character sequence).

I know AC solution that outputs end of line after each line of output. Its behaviour contradicts to phrase in the statement '"reversing" the text twice restores the original text'.

I think that text with end of line before end of file and text without end of line before end of file are two different ones. So solution inserting extra end of line (when last line does not have one) should not get AC.
New tests were added(+)
Posted by Sandro (USU) 24 Dec 2008 01:41
If you have some good tests, please, write to timus_support(at)acm.timus.ru