вернуться в форумWhy WA5? program Ural1528; var p:array[1..10000]of qword; q,u,e:array[1..5000]of qword; ans:array[1..5000]of qword; m:qword; a,n,max,x,y:longint; procedure qsort(l,r:longint); var i,j:longint; mid,swap:qword; begin i:=l;j:=r;mid:=u[(i+j)div 2]; repeat while u[i]<mid do inc(i); while u[j]>mid do dec(j); if i<=j then begin swap:=u[i];u[i]:=u[j];u[j]:=swap; swap:=q[i];q[i]:=q[j];q[j]:=swap; swap:=e[i];e[i]:=e[j];e[j]:=swap; inc(i);dec(j); end; until i>j; if i<r then qsort(i,r); if l<j then qsort(l,j); end; procedure readdata; begin n:=0;max:=0; repeat readln(x,y); if (x=0)and(y=0) then exit; inc(n);inc(max); if x>=y then begin ans[n]:=0; dec(max); end else begin q[max]:=x;u[max]:=y;e[max]:=n; end; until (x=0)and(y=0); end; function gcd(o,z:qword):qword; begin if z=0 then exit(o) else exit(gcd(z,o-o div z*z)); end; procedure main; var i,j,mu:longint; o:qword; begin i:=1; j:=1; while i<=max do begin m:=1; mu:=0; o:=1; while (i<=max)and(trunc(ln(m)/ln(10))+trunc(ln(u[i])/ln(10))-trunc(ln(o)/ln(10))<=18)do begin m:=m div o; m:=m*u[i]; if mu<q[i] then mu:=q[i]; inc(i); if i<=max then if u[i]>m then o:=gcd(u[i],m) else o:=gcd(m,u[i]); end; p[1]:=1; for a:=2 to mu do p[a]:=p[a-1]*a mod m; for a:=j to i-1 do ans[e[a]]:=p[q[a]]mod u[a]; j:=i; end; end; procedure writedata; begin for a:=1 to n do writeln(ans[a]); end; begin readdata; qsort(1,max); main; writedata; end. Why WA5? I already get AC.But I want to make it faster, so Where is wrong? |