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Discussion of Problem 1001. Reverse Root

who can tell me how many integer numbers shoud I input each time?
Posted by hengxin 12 Jan 2009 17:21
from the statements of the problem ,I don't know how to end my input .Is there anyone can help me?
Thank you very much
max 131072 integers, not more :)
Posted by OpenGL 13 Jan 2009 17:37

Edited by author 13.01.2009 17:38
Don't know
Posted by Angelwarrior 21 Mar 2009 05:13
I really don't know how to end my input file... Should I write while not eof do???
Re: Don't know
Posted by Scorpion 2 Nov 2009 00:46
Enter Ctrl+Z - eof
Re: who can tell me how many integer numbers shoud I input each time?
Posted by Ivailo 9 Nov 2009 01:47
If you data type is double or float or something like that, to end the input you can simply type a letter (a-z , A-Z).But bare in mind that in the example input there is no such letter so I don't have a clue how to end it according ot the judge criteria. :P :D