back to boardi WA in test#2, need help at once!PASCAL here is my code: program p1601; var a:array[1..10000]of char; i,j,k,n,m,l:longint; begin while not eof(input) do begin fillchar(a,sizeof(a),' '); l:=0; while not eoln(input) do begin inc(l); read(a[l]); end; for i:=2 to l do if a[i] in['A'..'Z','a'..'z'] then if a[i-1] in ['.','!','?'] then upcase(a[i]) else if a[i] in['A'..'Z'] then a[i]:=chr(ord(a[i])+32); for i:=1 to l do write(a[i]); writeln; readln; end; end. Could you give me some tests that tell me why I am wrong? Thanks a lot! |