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Discussion of Problem 1654. Cipher Message

if TLE
Posted by Hanzbrow (TNU) KCC 10 Jul 2009 21:05
of course you need O(n) and I had it but
I was mad about this(TLE), but I thought a little and tried to use
char s[200010]
and now
AC 0.031))))))))))))))
don't use list or string in this problem
write your own implementation of std::list
good luck)

Edited by author 10.07.2009 23:29

Edited by author 10.07.2009 23:49
Re: if TLE
Posted by Rafikov Ramil 4 Apr 2010 15:32
i use vectors and got AC in 0.046s 557 КБ with 5 lines of code))
Re: if TLE
Posted by SkorKNURE 17 Sep 2010 20:15
std::list<char> simply gives AC in 0.343 sec.