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Обсуждение задачи 1044. Счастливые билеты. Easy!

big,big i mean huge problem
Послано AXIS ZULU 20 фев 2010 16:37
it says than "the sum of the first three digits....is equal with the sum of nthe last three".
In that case 45 first there 4+5+(null)=9
                last three 5+4+(null)=9
=>45 is a lucky number!!!
that means than there are (at nr 2) 11,12,13,...,99(100-1-10)=89 lucky numbers...
Can anyone explain me why they say yhere are only 10 numbers at example 2??
Re: big,big i mean huge problem
Послано Alex 28 фев 2010 20:10
Input is not N but 2N - common length of ticket:) Thus they are ten: 00,11,22,33,44,55,66,77,88,99.
Re: big,big i mean huge problem
Послано AXIS ZULU 19 мар 2010 18:33
you mean than the lucky numbers are the mirror numbers
ex: 123454321
Re: big,big i mean huge problem
Послано panic 14 апр 2010 01:57
yes but not only mirror numbers are the lucky ones,
also for ex.: 1234532145  the point is that the sum of digits on the left must be equal to sum of the right side to meet this demand of being lucky
Re: big,big i mean huge problem
Послано Andrei h 4 июн 2010 21:35
qs:If we have the 3 case...wich is the middle?
for eg 123 the middle is 12 or only 1(23 or only 3)

Edited by author 04.06.2010 21:41
Re: big,big i mean huge problem
Послано Philip Henderson 29 авг 2010 03:30
The problem states you are passed an even positive number, so you need not solve it for odd values.