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Discussion of Problem 1359. Construction

How to solve this one?
Posted by Douglas Cardoso 25 Jun 2010 11:39
I really couldn't figure out how to solve it. The way I tried even gives the wrong output for the sample! I modelled like this:

Each integer coordinates point represents a node of a graph. There is a edge form point (a, b) to (c, d) iff a >= c and b > d. The edge's weight is equal to the time to go from one point to another one adjacent to the first, which is calculated like this:

if theta is the angle between the segment (a, b)-(c, d) and the x-axis, then due to the gravity there is a 10*cos(theta) acceleration in the x-axis direction. So the time needed to go from (a, b) to (c, d) is sqrt(2*(c-a)/(10*cos(theta))).

Finally, what I do is to run a shortest-path algorithm in this graph. But for the sample my program answers 0.752121.

Does any one knows if ignored any detail? Or maybe if my entire model is wrong?
