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Problem with new C compiler
Послано tiancaihb 7 авг 2010 13:07
As they changed the compiler, I tried to re-submit some of my solutions, (in order to get a higher rank in the Rating page :)  )
In that problem 1100, there's lots of I/O staff, so I wrote a brief function to accelerate. Generally, it tried to in/output numbers by characters, using getchar() and putchar(). It did work.
However, I find the result now very disappointing. Previously 0.046s, but now 0.291s. Even slower than to use scanf() and printf() !!
I don't know why this happens, but I hope there's some way to improve...
Re: Problem with new C compiler
Послано tiancaihb 7 авг 2010 13:19
I don't really like this VC compiler thing... I think the old Intel one is much better.
Yep. You are true.
Послано MaNUTD 7 авг 2010 13:45
Don't use cin && cout.
Use scanf and printf

Edited by author 07.08.2010 13:47
Re: Yep. You are true.
Послано tiancaihb 7 авг 2010 14:11
Yeah I use C not C++. On most occasions it doesn't really matter 0.1s or 0.5s but sometimes I just wanna be a little quicker :)