вернуться в форумMy STRANGE but ACed algorithm I think that most people trying to solve this problem will try to deal with two problems, they are: 1. How to calculate a[n] fast? 2. How to find those n that a[n] is the maximum in [1...n]? Here is my method. 1. Calculating a[n] (without calculating a[1...n-1]). Directly calculation will lead to a long time. But, after some observation, I found that: a[4n] = a[n] a[4n + 1] = a[2n] + a[2n + 1] = 2a[n] + a[n + 1] a[4n + 2] = a[n] + a[n + 1] a[4n + 3] = a[n] + 2a[n + 1] So, a[4n] to a[4n + 3] could be presented as the linear form of a[n] and a[n + 1]. We will soon realise that, a[2^k n] to a[2^k n + (2^k - 1)] could also be presented as linear form of a[n] and a[n + 1]. So, pre-calculation is done to calculate all the linear forms of a[65536n] to a[65536n + 65535]. This will take about O(65536 * 2) time. After this pre-calc, calculation for any number K will go very fast. 2. Finding the maximum. After listing some of the 'maximum index', we found that: 1 3 5 9 11 19 21 35 37 43 ...... Maybe my math is not so good, so I could not find so useful properties in the array, but I noticed one thing: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Every 'maximunm index' could be presented as its max 2-power and some former 'maximum index'. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sorry for my poor English, let's take a look at the examples: 1 3 = 2 + 1 5 = 4 + 1 9 = 8 + 1 11 = 8 + 3 19 = 16 + 3 21 = 16 + 5 35 = 32 + 3 37 = 32 + 5 43 = 32 + 11 ...... So, we just need to use every 2^k number to ITERATE the list of 'maximum index'. As the list is of size O(Log N), the algo runs quite fast. With above methods, I got AC in 0.046 sec. Well, if my algo is too stupid for you, don't hesitate to post your algo here. Have fun and good luck. Re: My STRANGE but ACed algorithm thank you |