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Обсуждение задачи 1269. Антимат

Aho-corasick whith compressed suffix tree
Послано George Agapov 3 ноя 2010 23:26
Can anyone give me an advice, how to build aho-corasick algorithm, that's using a compressed suffix tree. I wrote one, but it uses uncompressed tree, which results in MLE on test 7. I understood, how to build the compressed tree, but have no idea, how to cooperate it with aho-corasick.

P.S. I bind my compressed suffix tree realisation, if someone will be interesed.

#include <cstdio>

using namespace std;

typedef unsigned short id;
typedef unsigned char uc;
typedef unsigned int ui;

const id DICT_SIZE = 10005, NONE = DICT_SIZE + 1;

ui N, M;

uc wbuf[100001];
ui wbs;
uc buf [900001];
ui bfs;

void get_line() {
    bfs = 0;
    uc ch = getchar();
    while (ch != '\n') {
        buf[bfs] = ch;
        ch = getchar();

void get_word() {
    uc ch = getchar();
    while (ch != '\n') {
        if (ch != 0 && ch != '\r') {
            wbuf[wbs] = ch;
        ch = getchar();

struct pstr {
    id start, end;

    pstr() {
        start = end = 0;

    pstr(ui s, ui e) {
        start = s;
        end = e;

    int len() {
        return end - start;

    void cut_begin(ui s) {
        start = start + s;

    void cut_end(ui e) {
        end = start + e;

    void print() {
        for (int i = 0; i < len(); i++)putchar((*this)[i]);
    uc & operator[](ui);
    pstr & operator=(const pstr);

uc & pstr::operator[](ui i) {
    return wbuf[start + i];

pstr& pstr::operator =(const pstr p) {
    this->end = p.end;
    this->start = p.start;
    return *this;

struct vert {
    pstr p;
    id length, parent, index, g [256];
    uc ac;
    bool leaf;
    id & operator[](uc);
    void addstr(pstr & b, id & wlen);
    vert & c(uc);

    void init(id ind) {
        for (id i = 0; i < 256; i++)
            g[i] = NONE;
        index = ind;

    void print() {
        printf("index=%d ac='%c' parent=%d leaf=%d p: ", index, ac, parent, leaf);
    bool search(uc * str, ui &st, ui & size);
vert dict [DICT_SIZE + 2]; //0 - root
id dinc = 1;

id & vert::operator[](uc ch) {
    return g[ch];

id create_vect() {
    return dinc - 1;

vert & vert::c(uc ch) {
    return dict[g[ch]];

void vert::addstr(pstr & b, id & wlen) {
    ui i;
    for (i = 0; b[i] == p[i] && i < p.len() && i < b.len(); i++);
    if (i == p.len()) {//p - полностью подстрока b
        if (g[b[i]] != NONE) {
            if (b.len() == i) {
                leaf = true;
                length = wlen;
            } else {
                id ind = g[b[i]];
                b.cut_begin(i + 1);
                dict[ind].addstr(b, wlen);
        } else {
            if (b.len() == i) {
                leaf = true;
                length = wlen;
            } else {
                id n = create_vect();
                g[b[i]] = n;
                vert & v = dict[n];
                v.ac = b[i];
                v.p = b;
                v.p.cut_begin(i + 1);
                v.parent = index;
                v.leaf = true;
                v.length = wlen;
    } else {
        id n = create_vect();
        dict[parent][ac] = n;
        vert & nv = dict[n];
        nv.p = p;
        nv.parent = parent;
        nv.ac = ac;
        nv.g[p[i]] = index;
        ac = p[i];
        parent = n;
        p.cut_begin(i + 1);
        if (i == b.len()) {
            nv.leaf = true;
            nv.length = wlen;
        } else {
            id w = create_vect();
            vert & wv = dict[w];
            wv.p = b;
            wv.p.cut_begin(i + 1);
            wv.parent = n;
            wv.ac = b[i];
            wv.leaf = true;
            wv.length = wlen;
            nv.g[b[i]] = w;

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
    freopen("input.txt", "r", stdin);
    freopen("output.txt", "w", stdout);
    scanf("%u", &N);
    wbs = 0;
    for (ui i = 0; i < N; i++) {
        ui _wbs = wbs;
        pstr ps(_wbs, wbs);
        if (ps.len() == 0)continue;
        id wlen = ps.len();
        dict[0].addstr(ps, wlen);
    for (ui i = 0; i < dinc; i++)dict[i].print();
    //previous line prints the result of suffix tree building
    scanf("%u", &M);
    for (ui k = 0; k < M; k++) {
        if (bfs == 0)continue;
        for (ui i = 0; i < bfs; i++) {

    return 0;

Better way to view: http://pastebin.com/M6TUztjc

Edited by author 03.11.2010 23:30