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Discussion of Problem 1001. Reverse Root

How java deal with these input?
Posted by bidakung 27 Jan 2011 10:54
When i using BufferedReader of java with readLine function.
It will read for 'N' lines that 'N' is specific.

And when input is not specific of line, how should i deal with the input? How java knows the input string is ended?

Sorry for bad english,

Re: How java deal with these input?
Posted by tagetes 23 Apr 2011 15:29
my idea:

    BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in));
      catch(Exception e){}

the end of read by Exception.

Edited by author 23.04.2011 17:40
Re: How java deal with these input?
Posted by Maximus 1 Aug 2011 13:52
you can not catch exceptions - this is a bug
Re: How java deal with these input?
Posted by pausuk 24 Sep 2011 18:15
You can use StringTokenizer by reading the line as string and then dividing it into tokens.
Re: How java deal with these input?
Posted by Fatemeh 29 Oct 2011 02:08
        Scanner inputReader = new Scanner(System.in);

        while(inputReader.hasNext()) {
            long n = inputReader.nextLong();


Edited by author 29.10.2011 02:14

Edited by author 29.10.2011 02:19