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Обсуждение задачи 1465. Игра в пешки

The N is too large to use an array... Do you have any ideas?
Послано Moya 5 июл 2011 07:16
Re: The N is too large to use an array... Do you have any ideas?
Послано Karolis Kusas 9 авг 2011 20:06
I'll give you two hints:

1) You must be familiar with nimbers.
2) Look for a cycle. I used another program to find a cycle when generating nimbers up to let's say 10 000.

Good luck ;)
Re: The N is too large to use an array... Do you have any ideas?
Послано mwh 13 дек 2011 18:25
can you tell me what the cycle is? thanks.
Re: The N is too large to use an array... Do you have any ideas?
Послано luckysundog 16 дек 2011 12:42
The sequence of answers is periodic(period length=34). But it becomes periodic from a certain position.
Re: The N is too large to use an array... Do you have any ideas?
Послано mwh 13 янв 2012 18:16
can you send your AC code to me?please to this e-mail:
Thank you so much