вернуться в форумPlease, help me WA #3 Послано HACKER 13 июл 2011 12:16 what is wrong? var a:array[1..200] of string[8]; b:string; ch:char; n,n1,n2,k,i,j,g,p,gg:integer; begin n:=0; gg:=0; readln(b); p:=1; while b<>'#' do begin n:=n+1; a[n]:=b; readln(b); end; {$IFNDEF ONLINE_JUDGE} assign(input, 'input.txt'); reset(input); assign(output, 'output.txt'); rewrite(output); {$ENDIF} b:=''; while not eof(input) do begin read(input,ch); if ch in ['a'..'z'] then b:=b+ch else begin k:=0; for i:=1 to n do begin n1:=length(a[i]); n2:=length(b); if n1=n2 then begin g:=0; for j:=1 to n1 do if a[i][j]=b[j] then begin g:=g+1; end; if g=n1-1 then begin b:=a[i]; write(output,b); if p<>1 then write(output,ch); k:=1; gg:=gg+1; end; end; end; if k=0 then write(output,b,ch); b:=''; p:=2; end; end; writeln(output); write(output,gg); {$IFNDEF ONLINE_JUDGE} close(input); close(output); {$ENDIF} end. |