вернуться в форумWhy Crash (access violation) on test 9? I can't find my mistakes! My program work right(i think),but i have Crash#9! WHY??? I know,that put all program is very bad... C++ #include<iostream> #include<stdio.h> #include<string> using namespace std; void verubad(string &m,int length) { string m1; int a,i; for(i=0;i<length;i++) if(toupper(m[i])-'A'>=0&&toupper(m[i])-'A'<=26)m1+=m[i]; else { a=i; break; } if(a>0){ for(i=0;i<a/2;i++) { m1[i]=m1[i]+m1[a-1-i]; m1[a-1-i]=m1[i]-m1[a-1-i]; m1[i]=m1[i]-m1[a-1-i]; } cout<<m1; for(i=a;i<length;i++) if(!(toupper(m[i])-'A'>=0&&toupper(m[i])-'A'<=26))cout<<m[i]; else { m.erase(0,i); verubad(m,length-i); break; } } else { for(i=0;i<(length)/2;i++) { m[i]=m[i]+m[length-1-i]; m[length-1-i]=m[i]-m[length-1-i]; m[i]=m[i]-m[length-1-i]; } cout<<m; } return; } int main() { string m,m3; char c,c1,c2,c3,c4,cc; int length,i,length1; while(!cin.eof()){ c=c1=c2=c3=c4=0; m3.clear(); m.clear(); cin.get(c); while(!(toupper(c)-'A'>=0&&toupper(c)-'A'<=26)&&!cin.eof()){ cout.put(c); cin.get(c); } cin.putback(c); c=0; cin>>m; if(cin.eof()&&!m.length())return 0; length=m.length(); if(length>0) while(!(toupper(m[length-1])-'A'>=0&&toupper(m[length-1])-'A'<=26)){ m3+=m[length-1]; m.erase(length-1,1); length--; if(!length)break; } length1=m3.length(); if(length1>1) for(i=0;i<(length1)/2;i++) { m3[i]=m3[i]+m3[length1-1-i]; m3[length1-1-i]=m3[i]-m3[length1-1-i]; m3[i]=m3[i]-m3[length1-1-i]; } if(length>0) verubad(m,length); if(length1)cout<<m3; if(c&&!cin.eof())cout<<c; if(!cin.eof())cin.get(c2); else return 0;; if(c2!=10)cin.putback(c2); else cout<<c2; } return 0; } But if i use void verubad(string m,int length)i have Crash (access violation) on test 1! Why? On my computer all work right! P.S. Sorry for bad English. Edited by author 25.07.2011 00:09 Re: Why Crash (access violation) on test 9? Послано S.77 31 июл 2011 03:18 Oh. Your solution is too long. My own is just 28 lines long, including "#include" lines and all the blank ones. Some hints for you: 1) try to process the input text char to char, that is the easiest way to get AC; 2) use "isalpha" function from "ctype.h" instead of manual checks, so don't uppercase any chars you get; 3) any non-letter chars can be processed the same way, but you should pay some extra attention to "EOF": just quit when you meet it. Edited by author 31.07.2011 03:19 |