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Discussion of Problem 1001. Reverse Root

could you help me,I don't know what's the matter?problem set 1001
Posted by gigliolily 29 Oct 2011 16:24
 problem set 1001
void main()
{long a,b,c,d;
I know it's wrong ,but I don't know which type to use to define the figure that is very big

Edited by author 29.10.2011 16:35

Edited by author 29.10.2011 16:35
Re: could you help me,I don't know what's the matter?problem set 1001
Posted by Maksim An (MSU TB) 29 Oct 2011 16:47
there may be more than 4 numbers as input and your solution is right only for cases with 4 numbers

P.S. read the statements more carefully

Edited by author 29.10.2011 16:48
Re: could you help me,I don't know what's the matter?problem set 1001
Posted by gigliolily 29 Oct 2011 16:49
but it only gives four figures.thanks for help.