back to board1001, C#, Symbolic input, wrong answer while test 3 I try to parse digits by symbols this way: using System; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using System.Globalization; using System.Collections.Generic; //Version 2 namespace CSharpV1 { class Program { //static readonly char[] splitChars = { ' ', '\t', '\n', '\r' }; //Version 1 static void Main(string[] args) { var nfi = NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo; //Version 4. Symbolic input int curCharDigit; char curChar; var curDigitString = String.Empty; var rootsStack = new Stack<double>(); while ((curCharDigit = Console.Read()) != -1) { curChar = Convert.ToChar(curCharDigit); if (char.IsDigit(curChar) || curChar == '.' || curChar == ',') { curDigitString += curChar; } else { if (curDigitString.Length != 0) { var curDigit = Convert.ToDouble(curDigitString, nfi); var root = Math.Sqrt(curDigit); rootsStack.Push(root); curDigitString = String.Empty; } } } while (rootsStack.Count != 0) { var curRootString = string.Format(nfi, "{0:F4}", rootsStack.Pop()); Console.WriteLine(curRootString); } rootsStack = null; } } } And I get Wrong answer while test 3... The code works fine with example input data. The digits are Integer. What's wrong? Re: 1001, C#, Symbolic input, wrong answer while test 3 I've got it. I didn't parse the last number when the last symbol is digit. Corrected code: using System; using System.Globalization; using System.Collections.Generic; namespace CSharpV1 { class Program { static readonly NumberFormatInfo nfi = NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo; static void Main(string[] args) { //Version 4. Symbolic input int curCharDigit; char curChar; var curDigitString = String.Empty; var rootsStack = new Stack<double>(); while ((curCharDigit = Console.Read()) != -1) { curChar = Convert.ToChar(curCharDigit); if (char.IsDigit(curChar)) { curDigitString += curChar; } else { ParseAndAdd(ref curDigitString, rootsStack); } } ParseAndAdd(ref curDigitString, rootsStack); while (rootsStack.Count != 0) { var curRootString = string.Format(nfi, "{0:F4}", rootsStack.Pop()); Console.WriteLine(curRootString); } rootsStack = null; } static void ParseAndAdd(ref string curDigitString, Stack<double> rootsStack) { if (curDigitString.Length != 0) { var curDigit = Convert.ToDouble(curDigitString, nfi); var root = Math.Sqrt(curDigit); rootsStack.Push(root); curDigitString = String.Empty; } } } } Edited by author 14.10.2012 03:14 |