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Discussion of Problem 1001. Reverse Root

regarding input taking
Posted by annonynous 23 Nov 2012 09:54
unable to understand do we have to read input from file or user i mean how many numbers are taken as input.
as in sample four numbers are given plz help

Edited by author 23.11.2012 09:56

Edited by author 23.11.2012 09:56
Re: regarding input taking
Posted by Bogatyr 23 Nov 2012 15:23
This problem is a little different from the others in terms of input.   You're not told ahead of time how many numbers there are, but you are told the input will not exceed a certain number of bytes (the byte limit info which you don't have to use if you don't want to).    You read from standard input, like all other problems, until there is no more input.    E.g., "while not end of file, read the next number..."