back to boardCommon BoardDynamic Programming-Google question Posted by anish 10 Jun 2013 22:10 Given an array of integers. Find two disjoint contiguous sub-arrays such that the absolute difference between the sum of two sub-array is maximum. * The sub-arrays should not overlap. example- array [2, -1, -2, 1, -4, 2, 8] answer - first (-1 -2 1 -4) Second (2 8), Maximum difference = (10-(-6)) 16. Can you please provide recurrence relation for Dynamic Programming to solve this?It would be nice if it is accompanied with explanation. Re: Dynamic Programming-Google question Edited by author 12.06.2013 00:01 Edited by author 12.06.2013 00:01 Re: Dynamic Programming-Google question But you can do it in N^4 time also by using brute force , You appear this question during interview process ? Re: Dynamic Programming-Google question |