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Team login
Posted by Yermak 26 Oct 2013 18:30
Let's say my team participated in some Timus contest and tasks of this contest went into the main problem set. And now I'd like to submit problems (that were solved by Me) under my login. Is it OK for two logins (mine and my team) to have the identical submissions?
What if I'd like to submit the code of my teammates?
And if both questions have "it's OK" answer where is this thin boundary that delimits "OK" and "not OK"?

Edited by author 26.10.2013 18:44

Edited by author 26.10.2013 18:45
Re: Team login
Posted by Erop [USU] 26 Oct 2013 23:33
In our team was are rule: if you write some code, you can submit it under your own login (but there was no accounts on Timus with this code, becouse it was writed on onsite).
I think it's OK to resubmit your own solution.