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Обсуждение задачи 1992. CVS

Hint that helped me to get AC
Послано Chitanda Eru 27 окт 2013 10:46
1. *deleted*
2. It's possible for the input file size to exceed 6 MB. In C++, reading it from cin is out of the question, and scanf() is apparently slow too. getchar() is faster.

Edited by author 27.10.2013 14:02
Re: Hints that helped me to get AC
Послано Erop [USU] 27 окт 2013 11:57
Your test is incorrect, "If a clone learn (not relearn) a program, all cancellation record history of this clone is deleted". So we can't do "relearn" in last line.

First test is test from statment, and it is correct
Your first solution has a bug, so it falls with runtime
Re: Hints that helped me to get AC
Послано Chitanda Eru 27 окт 2013 14:35
Oh, found it. Using a buffer of 8 chars to read the command's name was a terrible idea (one more is needed for '\0'), but it worked fine on my local machine. Is there a way to track such access violations locally?
Deleted the first "hint" to avoid causing confusion.