вернуться в форумTHis is supposed to work. What is wrong? #include <stdio.h> #include <math.h> main() { int a=0; float b=0; while (!feof(stdin)) { scanf("%d", &a); b=sqrt(a); if (feof(stdin)) printf("%.4f\n",b); } } It works fine at my PC. But it keeps saying wrong answer? Re: THis is supposed to work. What is wrong? #include <stdio.h> #include <math.h> main() { int a=0; float b=0; while (!feof(stdin)) { scanf("%d", &a); b=sqrt(a); printf("%.4f\n",b); } } Re: THis is supposed to work. What is wrong? You should use a long long data type, because the int type supports only 2^32 as max. Please, read the contraints of the problem. There says that the number could be as big as 10^18 (a lot bigger than 2^32). Try with long long. Hope it be useful for you. |